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Why do people like to be treated with respect? Why does it feel good?
tynamite's avatar This has to be one of the most wanderlust and hazy questions on Quora. That's not to say that your question is stupid, as you've asked a very intelligent question, but instead that the meaning of respect vastly differs from person to person.

People define respect as different things, according to the unique way that they want to be treated.

Some people are narcissistic, who consider it disrespect for you to take control off them or give them the lower hand.

Some people are vocal, who consider it disrespect for you to not listen or be interested in what they have to say.

Some people are sensitive, who consider it disrespect for you to question or caste a negative light on their behaviour.

I hate the word respect with a vengeance, because it means different things to different people. I will never use that word. It's just an fancy way for people to moan that you're not treating them how they idealistically want to be treated, but they're too selfishly motivated to openly admit to how they really want you to behave.

If you want to know why people want to be treated by others with integrity, then there are plenty of good and strikingly clear reasons for that.

If you want to know why people want to be treated with respect, then your quest to treat everyone with "respect" will never complete, as you will always be called disrespectful for a multitude of things from various people, no matter what you do, or how nice you are. There will always be someone who dislikes what you do, even though there's no wrong with it.

Basically, people like to be treated with respect, because people live (or hope to live) in a user-centric world, where everyone around them has to treat them with the same standard, as they would expect everyone else to treat them in their perfect world.

Of course people have to be kind, helpful, and understanding towards others. Yes, we have to be nice. But to treat someone with "respect", that's what people say when they dislike your actions, and cannot or choose not to articulate their insecurities regarding how they feel.

I will continue not treating people "respectfully" whilst being nice, while you can attain to treat people with respect if you wish. Take your pick.

We are all different people, with different ambitions, and different friendship criteria in life. All while each person has a unique thing that gets them upset.

Just carry on about your business, and the rest will follow.

PS. Don't confuse respect with integrity. I can be completely honest and genuine, behaving in your best interests, while being called disrespectful.

I do what I say and I say what I do. I do what is right and I say what is true.

Et sequir.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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