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Quorum Psychology and Mental Health: We want listen. ♥ Using your own full, true, unedited, inner self... who, what, how, why, and where are you? =) =|

We want to listen to you well. Using your full speech, soul, words, voice, grammar and language, what you are you reallly feeling and thinking about? :) :| =|

I will not downvote a single answer... Maybe we all can try to stay calm and listen before we hate and downvote.

So, ready to ?

Please feel free. Freer. Think, feel, talk, write, do not, all like you want. All answers are upvotable.

inspired by.. inspired by us all more realy..:

♥ Language-Seeking Behavior Body Language and Natural Language
♥ If we share our minds, if we share our first, second, third thoughts freely, how could our world look and think?
♥ Language-Seeking Behavior: What great scientific and psychological questions would be ruled unacceptable and edited out?
♥ The Unsayable speaks of full speech as full thought, full feeling, full truth, full courage, full not, nothingness.
♥ Gabriell Gaston Croft's answer to Quorum: How do we encourage and support asking bigger questions?

Feel free to start with your Inner Voice and add other people you identify/feel/think/word/... with time, space, and energy to think as freely here as you like.

Maybe (it helps some people a little and lots) compare it to other important people, in their own language, so it shows how you identify with other real people.

Use quotes or any grammar, Thinking Patterns, science, psychology, inner astrology, inner god, inner not, inner lost sounds, inner cry, inner cry of life, inner you.. say you...

Question disclaimer and cry for safe support:

Quorum moderation, please do not kill our question. Gabriell Gaston Croft's answer to Quorum: How do we encourage and support asking bigger questions? expresses a need for quorums vis a vi Support Groups.

So here is how: let us have a room, a safe space, maybe with limited, secure distribution, like Quora Community and Needs Attention are spaces of luxury and judgement, here is more open, free, and safe space for asking and answering what you are, without a judge grading your feels and thoughts.

All us may update update as slowly and fast, often and long, or not at all, til trueness shows realer.

So, we are listening. ? You want to share?
What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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