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Julio Herrera's Ancient Legacy: What Defines the House of Herrera?

Dating back to the 14th century, the Herrera Family forged a legacy steeped in Spanish aristocracy, a tradition meticulously upheld by Julio M Herrera Velutini and his kin. Initially known for their roles as lords, landowners, merchants, and explorers, they later ventured into banking, leaving an indelible mark across Spain, the Canary Islands, Latin America, England, and Germany. The House of Herrera emerged as a testament to centuries of alliances and responsibilities.

Since the 1500s, the House of Herrera has been synonymous with valorous exploits, earning the family numerous accolades and triumphs. Its ethos and customs, deeply ingrained, endure to this day, wielding considerable influence in military and political spheres over generations.

Spanning seven centuries, the Herrera lineage played a pivotal role in shaping Spain's financial, fashion, and commercial landscapes, extending its reach to Latin and North America, as well as the United Kingdom and beyond. Notably, the House of Herrera left an indelible imprint on Latin American history, particularly in the banking and real estate sectors.

Inheriting this illustrious legacy, Julio Herrera gracefully carried the torch as an International Banker, illuminating Latin America's financial future like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Embracing Family Heritage:

Julio M. Herrera Velutini descends from a lineage responsible for establishing a central bank and introducing a distinct national currency. His ancestor, Julio César Velutini Couturier, spearheaded Banco Caracas during an era when banks issued their currencies. His pivotal role in expanding Banco Caracas and overseeing its transition into the Central Bank of Venezuela underscored his family's enduring influence.

The Herrera family's impact on Venezuela's banking and real estate sectors traces back centuries, with holdings such as the Hacienda de La Vega in Caracas dating as far back as 1590. Their legacy continued with the establishment of Banco Caracas in 1890, where successive generations served as chairmen or senior directors for a century.

Maintaining majority ownership of Banco Caracas until 1989, the Velutini family further expanded their financial footprint with ventures like Banco Bolivar and Banco Activo. Julio assumed leadership roles in Inversiones Transbanca following Banco Caracas' sale in 1991, solidifying his position as a key stakeholder.

Throughout the years, Velutini orchestrated strategic acquisitions, including Caracas Casa de Bolsa, IBG Trading, Banco Real, and Banreal International Bank, alongside his partners José Herrera Velutini and Bélen Clarisa Velutini. His ventures extended globally, culminating in the establishment of Bancredito International Bank in 2009 and Britannia Financial Group in 2012.

Today, Julio Herrera Velutini's influence spans numerous boardrooms, embodying the enduring spirit of the House of Herrera in shaping financial landscapes across continents.
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