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Why do many people hate the new Gap logo?

gap logo
tynamite's avatar Here's a more suitable usage for the Gap logo's design, and the person who designed it.

primark logo

Because Gap is a designer brand of high fashion. It's on the opposite end of the scale of Primark, or its American equivalent, Forever 21. Everyone knows that Gap clothes are expensive, and they look really good in comparison to other most clothes worn, because Gap is a designer label.

When a fashion label has a brand, which Gap does, it's very important that the logo itself conveys and represents the value of the brand. The old Gap logo has a slightly darkened blue, which differenciates it from a 100% blue like #0000ff. The eyes notice that subtle colour difference. Combine that with a sophisticated serif font, as serif fonts are considered to be more sophisticated than sans-serif fonts, and the Gap logo successfully executes exactly what the brand is. The letters are also tall and accentuated, which also helps.

The proposed Gap logo, does the absolute opposite. Fashion labels like Gap and American Apparel, are not just selling clothes, they are selling a brand. (American Apparel is selling a lifestyle, but let's not get into that.) To be able to sell a brand, not just a product, a logo is required that portrays what the brand is to the user.

The new Gap logo has a light shade of blue, and a thick bold Helvetica font, which makes it look soft and common. Helvetica is a font without personality, that is like a chameleon. Its portrayal changes depending on how font is used.

To further understand what I mean by Helvetica being a chameleon, take a look at this link. http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/03/40-excellent-logos-created-with-helvetica/ Note how each logo manages to find a different use for Helvetica.

You might have noticed that the 4th logo on that list was American Apparel. Before you ask why that brand gets away with it, and not Gap, take a look at their advertising, and the product line. American Apparel sells simplistic clothes at high prices.

This is taken from their American Apparel's flagship store in Los Angeles.

american apparel interior

Here's some from Gap's hometown, New York.

Not quite the same, is it?
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Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

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