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Which OS crashes less often, Mac OS X, Windows 7, or Linux?

Are there actually studies performed looking at total consecutive run time and/or number of crashes per system under different use conditions?
tynamite's avatar I use Windows 7, and macs on a regular basis, and I can tell you that they don't crash. I've also used Linux too. Everything crashes but nowadays it's very rarely. In fact, the mac with 10.6 Snow Leopard has crashed more than my Windows 7 has, and it's a Macbook Pro!

To give an answer of which crashes the least, it would have to be Linux. Linux is open source, and open source software such as operating systems and website scripts (wordpress), tend to be more secure than their propetairy alternatives, because they are open source.

Because everyone can look up the source code, it means there's no noob coders (Sony), and that exploits can be fixed spontaneously and quickly before the malicious hackers or public know about them (Microsoft and Apple), as they will be reported beforehand by ethical hackers and contributors beforehand.

Why are phpBB and Wordpress, more secure than vBulletin and Movable Type? Because they're open source.

By the way, to help you scientifically as your question is, 90% of the crashes that people experienced on Windows Vista, were only 10% of the available crashes that were reported. Windows 7 managed to make sure those crashes were all fixed and no more.
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Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

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