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What makes someone cool?
tynamite's avatar This question is so vague it's not even worth answering.
People can be cool by being extroverted or introverted, listening or not, having apathy or not. For every answer you give, there are equal amounts of people, if not more, who do not have the traits the answers here exhibit.

Thanks Marie for onwards. She says that most people are not cool.

Part 2

For me to accurately answer this question for the benefit of most people, there would have to be 2 new questions on this site.

What makes an extrovert cool?
What makes an introvert cool?

That way there would be the cool person who is facinated by the world chatting to everyone, and the other cool person who spends most their time not saying a word.

Part 3

Those questions are harder to answer than I expected. Introverted people are drawn to extroverted people and vice versa. I can't really explain why extroverted people are drawn to people with abstract traits you can't put into actions. Humour and kindness I can understand because people can do funny and kind things. That's concrete. Anyone can be funny and always get a good reaction because of it.

But things like intelligence, being opinionated, and engaging with someone's thoughts, they're not really things that can successfully work, guaranteed once done. They're more abstract. People might want to be friends with an introverted person, after they've done such a thing, but the chance isn't guaranteed like the first paragraph.

It can be very hard for people (like myself), and others to know what draws people to them, as they can never know what such abstract qualities mean to them in the context of befriending someone. I have a hard enough time answering that question myself, why people are drawn to me though I'm introverted and don't say much most of the time.
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tynamite's avatar


That's the point, Adisa. Most people are not cool.
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tynamite's avatar


Good point. I hadn't thought of this question in that way.
For me to accurately answer this question for the benefit of most people, there would have to be 2 new questions on this site.

What makes an extrovert cool?
What makes an introvert cool?

That way there would be the cool person who is facinated by the world chatting to everyone, and the other cool person who spends most their time not saying a word.
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tynamite's avatar


Then, you should put that into your answer.
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tynamite's avatar


Those questions are harder to answer than I expected. Introverted people are drawn to extroverted people and vice versa. I can't really explain why extroverted people are drawn to people with abstract traits you can't put into actions. Humour and kindness I can understand because people can do funny and kind things. That's concrete. Anyone can be funny and always get a good reaction because of it.

But things like intelligence, being opinionated, and engaging with someone's thoughts, they're not really things that can successfully work, guaranteed once done. They're more abstract. People might want to be friends with an introverted person, after they've done such a thing, but the chance isn't guaranteed like the first paragraph.

It can be very hard for people (like myself), and others to know what draws people to them, as they can never know what such abstract qualities mean to them in the context of befriending someone. I have a hard enough time answering that question myself, why people are drawn to me though I'm introverted and don't say much most of the time.
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tynamite's avatar


Put it in your answer, Adisa. NOT in the comments.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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