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Should Quora notify you when your content is downvoted?
tynamite's avatar I joined Quora 2 years ago, and back then, users were notified when their answers were downvoted. It seems like Quora has had a change of heart, in order to protect their interests.

I am under the huge suspicion that the Content Team or some other people have the power to super-downvote people's answers. I believe that when answers are flagged for not matching quality guidelines, the Content Team super-downvote them, so that no matter how many positive comments they receive, they still stays downvoted. I believe that super-downvotes may be a downvote x4, so you'll need 4 upvotes to counteract a super-downvote. They also super-downvote flagged answers regardless of their upvotes.

The way Quora is run, is that every single answer you make is moderated by one of their Reviewers. My reason for why Quora has a super-downvote feature, is to keep sub-par, obvious, disagreeable and humourous answers downvoted, which would otherwise stay not-downvoted if the Quora community has their way.

There is a reason for people's answers which state the obvious getting downvoted, despite them answering the question. There is a reason why your lesser quality answer gets downvoted, despite it answering the question.

Quora is trying to grow their website while at the same time not have the quality of their questions and answers deprecate. One of the many ways they can do this, is to super-downvote answers that don't match their quality standards. I'm sure that some of your answers have been downvoted for no acceptable reason, other than the fact that your reasonable contribution doesn't match the continuity of their website. One of the many reasons which come to mind is censorship which I've experienced four times on this website. Another reason is having a joke in your perfectly acceptable answer.

I believe that Quora removed the notification of a downvote, when they realised that they had to super-downvote, to keep the quality of their content high once their rapid growth occured.


There probrably is no super-downvote, but there is a flag that questions can have that keep them downvoted irrespective of their upvotes. The question would have to be improved for the flag to be taken off.

2nd update

The problem with websites like Quora, is that we come on here to learn more, challenge our beliefs, and validate our critical thinking. This makes us more open minded. Some people here you'll find, will be a combination of dumb, immature, closed minded, or ignorant. The problem comes, when some people believe that they have graduated from the school of critical thinking and knowledge, and this gives them superiority that they are right.

Downvoting answers purely because you disagree with them is censorship, and I've been censored on this website 4 times by Quora admins.

This is why there should be a list where we can see all our downvoted answers. To not implement this feature, suggests that some answers can never be relevant, no matter how eloquently and clearly they are worded. However this is not the case, and many downvoted answers could be rewritten in a greater justice, so we should be able to see that list.

To suggest otherwise, that some answers, including some of your ones, can never be relevant and sufficent, and that useful content should be hidden from all to see despite not being flagged, is purely senseless for us, and also chastising for the answerer without recourse. Such a thought on answers is a foolish and ignorant one to have.
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tynamite's avatar


I work at the company and am involved in moderation. I appreciate your thinking here, but fyi we don't have a super-downvote feature.
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tynamite's avatar


Hmm, I don't recall downvote notifications, and I was also active two years ago. Other parts of this answer also seem inaccurate (as per comments above).
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tynamite's avatar


I do recall downvote notifications and my update now says that flagged answers are downvoted irrespective of how many upvotes they have.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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