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Why did Tynamite deactivate his account?
tynamite's avatar 2nd Update
Two people who have blocked me were asked to answer this question, last week.

They both declined.

I think that says more, than anything I could have said below this paraagraph, don't you think? The most bitter people, make the most most baseless accusations about others.

1st Update

Quora admins have now hijacked my account in order to spam people, and they did this when my account was deactivated..

Did they think that just because I deactivated my account yesterday and decide never to login again, that I wouldn't find out?

I'm going to say everything once, so I won't have to repeat myself and say it again.

For anyone who doesn't know, there is a secret conspiracy of people here on Quora, who want me banned. Some people here don't like me, in fact, they hate me. And the thing is, that they are very covert about it, and they make anonymous indirects at me. They dare not, talk to me straight, or say things to my face. To make it worse, there are people here on Quora, who slate my name, chatting bad about me to others, encouraging that others do the same and downvote all my answers systematically.

Let's establish this, before I go any further. I don't want anyone commenting on this answer, disputing anything in the first paragraph, because I'm not going to name names. You either believe me, or you don't. I'm not figmenting this out of my imagination. There are other people here, who will confirm what I'm saying.

I have deactivated my account, because I don't feel happy being in this environment anymore. It's hostile, and the daggers are out, Also, that I'm inadvertently trampling on other people's emotions (my enemies who hate me) can't be good. For me, Quora is unnerving, and uncomfortable to be in. I don't like to be the burden. The minute I become the burden, is the minute that I leave. So with that, I deactivated the ability for you to private message or a2a me, walked away from my friends on Quora, and I stopped working on my boards.

I'm not stupid. I know which admin temporarily banned me, and I know which person told that admin to do so. And I also know that you admins are going to keep face, by brushing your ill judgements under the carpet, like it never happened, whether you're sorry or not, concerned or not.

Extra Information

Well all this saddens me, because I thought that non-admin person was my friend. And if that person still is my friend, even though they've now blocked me to try to make me feel guilty, which could very well be the case; then I am very disheartened. I thought that person was my friend. I thought the words I said to that person, had some sort of value and meant something. Now that everything I've said to be nice, create time, and become a better person, was to no avail.

I don't feel there's much I can do. I feel at a loss. If becoming a better person like someone says to do, means nothing in the end, then everything means nothing, and everything is worthless. It's kinda depressing. The two people here who know the backstory, will know exactly what I'm talking about. Apparently I have no conscience. As you can imagine, such accusations are very taxing on relationships.

|/| |/| |/|

#1. People I have never seen or conversed with before, have blocked me. It obviously was to do with some of the answers I wrote, that they didn't like. I can allow that.

#2. People are systematically downvoting my answers to make them be collapsed. I can allow that.

#3 I've got some feminist here who hates me, who says that I downvote all her answers, when I've never downvoted her answers once. I can allow that.

#4. People also downvote answers by Anon User that few have read, as soon as I upvote them. I can allow that.

#5. I've got someone asking a question here asking whether I am a sociopath. I can allow that. I would rather such questions be asked directly than have it chatted behind my back. I respect the person who asked that, even though it was asked anonymously.

#6. That same feminist is lying about me saying that I'm sexist, and is encouraging others to downvote my answers, and is encouraging the admin who temporarily banned me, to hate me. I can allow that. That person is bitter. Bitter people do, what bitter people do.

#7 I've got some anonymous person telling me that I write shit answers and don't deserve my 25,000+ credits. I can allow that.

#8 I've got people downvoting my answers that have no denigrative nature expressed in them. I can allow that. But listen to this! I have a woman telling everyone here that I'm sexist, whilst an answer for Why do women seem so unaware that men like it when women make the first move? remains collapsed.

I want you to read this answer I wrote for that question, and then come back to me, and then tell me whether it was fair for this answer to be collpased, or whether I'm sexist.

Believe me, women are aware, they just exploit the social
pressure of men having to make the first move, and use it to get what
they want. Mainly it saves them embarrassment, and it makes it more fun
to have all the effort and charades done for them. What's there not to
like? Women get as shy as men do, but they just don't like to show it.
Seriously though, people here hate me, because I speak what's on my mind, and sometimes people don't like the things that I say. I'm not afraid to disagree with popular views, and say the uncomfortable things that others are too scared to say. I talk straight, and I can stand up for every word that I say, and every action that I do. If you want to know why people hate me, there's your reason!

So as you can imagine, people here want to slate my name, chat bad about me, silence me, caste ill judgements of me, get me banned, the whole shabang!

People obviously don't like the way that I do things, but just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that it's bad. You do things that I don't like all the time, but I don't chastise you for it. Any denigrative nature in my answers is non-existant, so if anyone wants to slate my name, diss me, or silence me some more, then go ahead, because your vindictive actions are baseless, based on baseless things.

That's why I have the mini-bio, Unfavourable preferences, for a flawless attitude. Because in the same way my answer doesn't make me sexist because some women (especially feminists) don't like it, my answers doesn't make me a condescending label, just because you don't like.

Any denigrative nature in my answers are non-existant, so on that basis, all you haters are bitter. You see things that I write, and it burns you. It burns you so much! Oh my days! I can't believe it.

I was banned by an anonymous admin, without a reason for goodness sake!!!! I know the specific reason why I was banned as well.

Try to get me banned for this answer, and you'll have to answer to my fan club. I won't leave through the back door, and I never have.

I'm gone from this site. I've deactivated my account. You've hurt my feelings. What more do you want? I'm not impervious by your attacks. In fact, I'm very hurt. You have done your purpose in life on Quora, so it's obvious that you bullies on Quora have won.

I will deactivate my account again, once I have finished replying to your comments on this answer. You've made me sick of Quora, leaving the people and things here that I love. And even when I'm gone, this bullying of my content will not stop. What more do you want? You lot are so bitter. Go and sort your life out and fix up yourself.

If Quora was a country, I would be kidnapped and tortured!
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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