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What are your views on the gender role-reversal in Sissy Men?

The video has been posted on Fighting Against All Prejudices.

Charles Faraone and I have been having a discussion about our interpretations of the video as men and women and what we think they got right and wrong.
What do you think?

See my own answer (Sonnet's, I bolded the applicable part) for further explanation on the background of this question.
tynamite's avatar While I could not find any PTSD triggers or NSFW material, I did manage to have my opinion on it. Maybe women are more sensitive to these things than I am. Maybe, because I once had a suggested edit telling me to remove a battered Rihanna image from my answer once.

Here's my running commentary.

"Do you need any help?" (woman)
"It's okay thank you." (man)
"Lucky you are to have such a cute daddy."
**walking off**
"Keep smiling honey."
Aww the women aren't capable of being independent or as good as men like Sasha Fierce is and them being the damsel in distress who needs a man to support them. I can understand why this would infuriate women on end if everything you do no matter how simple it is be greeted with "Can I help sweety. You're so hawt", but if you reversed the roles to the majority of men who get ignored on dating sites, I don't think you'd see any backlash. Wowsers!

In response to a man being dressed up in all black stylised like a burka

"I don't mean to be rude, but don't you feel more and more trapped?"
Yeah of course muslim women choose to wear burkas to show their devotion to God and protect their modesty from leering men, but do you think the women in the Middle East have a choice? In those countries the Religious Police will sanction any woman who shows a bit of skin even if it's their ankles, and they aren't free to wear as they please as we do. They also aren't allowed to have sex with who they please or marry who they please. They get auctioned off as children! Only recently in Saudi Arabia they aren't allowed to sit on chairs or go on swings. Our society moves forward and their society moves backward. The only reason why they wear the burkas in the first place is because Muhammad didn't want men on the street ogling his women, so it's a way of showing possession of women's sexuality. They can't flaunt it on their terms, as it is rationed out on a man's terms.

"You prick. Let me suck your dick. Assembly line blow jobs, boys! Wanna."
Excusing the odd language after translation, men would not mind being prepositioned for sex by strangers. In YouTube videos by Whatever, 50% of men said yes to sex when prepositioned on the street by a stranger, whereas 0% of women said no.

"Nice ass."
"Got a problem?"
"Doesn't like compliments, does he?"
"Just bugger off."
"Fucking skank."
Classy! Calling people slags when they rebuff you. I don't know why men do this.

"Dumb bitches."
"What did the fatherfucker say."
Yeah because women have an insult catered just for them - bitches. And men don't! Does this make me privileged as a man, because as with all privilege I have, I'm blind to it? I've never called anyone a motherfucker in my life, but if I do, does that make me sexist in the same way that calling something gay would make me homophobic? Oh yeah, women do have a better insult than bitch, calling a male a "girl" is an insult. Viva 2014!

There's the part where the protagonist reports the sexual harassment to the police, including violence! I don't find sexual harassment funny or good for larking on about, so let's just agree that it's bad.

"Looking good in those jeans."
"Well thanks."
While it's nothing to call the police about, the movie does do a good job of highlighting sexism that women face that men are oblivious to. It took me until I was 18 to see my female friends be sexually harassed themselves. Whilst that interaction isn't sexist, it doesn't do a good job of dispelling the stereotype that women are hired and valued for their looks.

"Broad daylight...and no witness...interesting huh."
Just like when my female friend had a lollipop in her mouth and a man walked past and said "How well do you suck?" Although there were four "witnesses", we were all friends with each other, so it would be our word against his if we reported it. I guess that sexual harassment doesn't come with DNA testing in 2014. It's just like in the olden days, how all murder cases went by "He looked like he dunnit."

"I'm so sorry pumpkin...I couldn't get out of the meeting"
Says his woman whilst feeling his face. Why do the women get endearing terms and men don't? Is it a form of female mind control?

Whilst walking to the car, the man seems to exhibit some PTSD symptoms as it looks like he's about to vomit even though he doesn't. Excuse my ignorance, but I wonder how common PTSD is.

"Oh fuck. Fuck. I can't take this fucking feminist society any more. It feels like our brothers fought for nothing."
Does sexual harassment count as patriarchal? I wouldn't think so, maybe it does. First Wave Feminism gave women the right to vote. Second Wave Feminism gave women the right to work. Third Wave Feminism aims to shape attitudes to women so that they're not objectified, sexually harassed, discouragingly undermined or typecast. The concept "sex object" plays into this.

"I can't stand your masculinist nonsense. Look at the way you dress! Short sleeve shirt, flip flops. Up to the knee berudas.
"I dress the way I want!"
Why do women get their hair done or dye it different colours? Because it makes them feel good. Why does it make them feel good? Because it makes them feel attractive. Why does it make them feel attractive? Because it makes them feel desired by the opposite sex.

If there were no more men in the world and only women, women would not dress the way they do. Let's be honest. Let's imagine sexual "compliments" were like food, because it's something that we use multiples of. My favourite food is cereal, pasta and pizza. I have cereal and pasta so I wouldn't really care if I received them every day on the street. But I have no pizza as it's more expensive, so I would care to eat the pizza if I had it every day. I haven't eaten dinner for days, but if you gave me pizza every day, I would, because I cannot afford it. I have loads of jeans but not many t-shirts so I wouldn't mind if you gave me t-shirts but I probably would throw the jeans in the bin.

The same concept applies to sexual attraction. When you constantly receive offers from suitors and leering comments from the opposite sex, you regard the leering comments as disrespectful and the offers from suitors as respectful as you can differentiate between the two. But if you don't receive any offers from the opposite sex or not many, you class the leering comments as liberating. This is why men would not mind the leering comments that women get on the street from strangers, because most men get ignored on dating sites. Because you women get multiple types of offers, we can differentiate between them and grade them A, B, C like we do with subprime mortgages reselling slices of debt.

I do not see Third Wave Sexism to be advancing society any time soon, because women already have equal rights and don't experience much systematic oppression, and as women are superior to men, sexism is a natural course of life as the inferior group always persecutes and tries to usurp the superior group, as is the history of humanity. It's instinct. That's my theory of why sexism exists.

I've never sexually harassed a woman, but I wonder how society would change if we stopped doing that. I think that sexual harassment makes women have sex less than if they'd never had that subjected to them. I imagine it must not be nice to be thought of as a sex object. Well I think that women in today's Western society are sex objects because they are a commodity. That doesn't mean I objectify them, it just means that's how I think they're treated by their peers.
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tynamite's avatar While I could not find any PTSD triggers or NSFW material, I did manage to have my opinion on it. Maybe women are more sensitive to these things than I am. Maybe, because I once had a suggested edit telling me to remove a battered Rihanna image from my answer once.

Here's my running commentary.

"Do you need any help?" (woman)
"It's okay thank you." (man)
"Lucky you are to have such a cute daddy."
**walking off**
"Keep smiling honey."
Aww the women aren't capable of being independent or as good as men like Sasha Fierce is and them being the damsel in distress who needs a man to support them. I can understand why this would infuriate women on end if everything you do no matter how simple it is be greeted with "Can I help sweety. You're so hawt", but if you reversed the roles to the majority of men who get ignored on dating sites, I don't think you'd see any backlash. Wowsers!

In response to a man being dressed up in all black stylised like a burka

"I don't mean to be rude, but don't you feel more and more trapped?"
Yeah of course muslim women choose to wear burkas to show their devotion to God and protect their modesty from leering men, but do you think the women in the Middle East have a choice? In those countries the Religious Police will sanction any woman who shows a bit of skin even if it's their ankles, and they aren't free to wear as they please as we do. They also aren't allowed to have sex with who they please or marry who they please. They get auctioned off as children! Only recently in Saudi Arabia they aren't allowed to sit on chairs or go on swings. Our society moves forward and their society moves backward. The only reason why they wear the burkas in the first place is because Muhammad didn't want men on the street ogling his women, so it's a way of showing possession of women's sexuality. They can't flaunt it on their terms, as it is rationed out on a man's terms.

"You prick. Let me suck your dick. Assembly line blow jobs, boys! Wanna."
Excusing the odd language after translation, men would not mind being prepositioned for sex by strangers. In YouTube videos by Whatever, 50% of men said yes to sex when prepositioned on the street by a stranger, whereas 0% of women said no.

"Nice ass."
"Got a problem?"
"Doesn't like compliments, does he?"
"Just bugger off."
"Fucking skank."
Classy! Calling people slags when they rebuff you. I don't know why men do this.

"Dumb bitches."
"What did the fatherfucker say."
Yeah because women have an insult catered just for them - bitches. And men don't! Does this make me privileged as a man, because as with all privilege I have, I'm blind to it? I've never called anyone a motherfucker in my life, but if I do, does that make me sexist in the same way that calling something gay would make me homophobic? Oh yeah, women do have a better insult than bitch, calling a male a "girl" is an insult. Viva 2014!

There's the part where the protagonist reports the sexual harassment to the police, including violence! I don't find sexual harassment funny or good for larking on about, so let's just agree that it's bad.

"Looking good in those jeans."
"Well thanks."
While it's nothing to call the police about, the movie does do a good job of highlighting sexism that women face that men are oblivious to. It took me until I was 18 to see my female friends be sexually harassed themselves. Whilst that interaction isn't sexist, it doesn't do a good job of dispelling the stereotype that women are hired and valued for their looks.

"Broad daylight...and no witness...interesting huh."
Just like when my female friend had a lollipop in her mouth and a man walked past and said "How well do you suck?" Although there were four "witnesses", we were all friends with each other, so it would be our word against his if we reported it. I guess that sexual harassment doesn't come with DNA testing in 2014. It's just like in the olden days, how all murder cases went by "He looked like he dunnit."

"I'm so sorry pumpkin...I couldn't get out of the meeting"
Says his woman whilst feeling his face. Why do the women get endearing terms and men don't? Is it a form of female mind control?

Whilst walking to the car, the man seems to exhibit some PTSD symptoms as it looks like he's about to vomit even though he doesn't. Excuse my ignorance, but I wonder how common PTSD is.

"Oh fuck. Fuck. I can't take this fucking feminist society any more. It feels like our brothers fought for nothing."
Does sexual harassment count as patriarchal? I wouldn't think so, maybe it does. First Wave Feminism gave women the right to vote. Second Wave Feminism gave women the right to work. Third Wave Feminism aims to shape attitudes to women so that they're not objectified, sexually harassed, discouragingly undermined or typecast. The concept "sex object" plays into this.

"I can't stand your masculinist nonsense. Look at the way you dress! Short sleeve shirt, flip flops. Up to the knee berudas.
"I dress the way I want!"
Why do women get their hair done or dye it different colours? Because it makes them feel good. Why does it make them feel good? Because it makes them feel attractive. Why does it make them feel attractive? Because it makes them feel desired by the opposite sex.

If there were no more men in the world and only women, women would not dress the way they do. Let's be honest. Let's imagine sexual "compliments" were like food, because it's something that we use multiples of. My favourite food is cereal, pasta and pizza. I have cereal and pasta so I wouldn't really care if I received them every day on the street. But I have no pizza as it's more expensive, so I would care to eat the pizza if I had it every day. I haven't eaten dinner for days, but if you gave me pizza every day, I would, because I cannot afford it. I have loads of jeans but not many t-shirts so I wouldn't mind if you gave me t-shirts but I probably would throw the jeans in the bin.

The same concept applies to sexual attraction. When you constantly receive offers from suitors and leering comments from the opposite sex, you regard the leering comments as disrespectful and the offers from suitors as respectful as you can differentiate between the two. But if you don't receive any offers from the opposite sex or not many, you class the leering comments as liberating. This is why men would not mind the leering comments that women get on the street from strangers, because most men get ignored on dating sites. Because you women get multiple types of offers, we can differentiate between them and grade them A, B, C like we do with subprime mortgages reselling slices of debt.

I do not see Third Wave Sexism to be advancing society any time soon, because women already have equal rights and don't experience much systematic oppression, and as women are superior to men, sexism is a natural course of life as the inferior group always persecutes and tries to usurp the superior group, as is the history of humanity. It's instinct. That's my theory of why sexism exists.

I've never sexually harassed a woman, but I wonder how society would change if we stopped doing that. I think that sexual harassment makes women have sex less than if they'd never had that subjected to them. I imagine it must not be nice to be thought of as a sex object. Well I think that women in today's Western society are sex objects because they are a commodity. That doesn't mean I objectify them, it just means that's how I think they're treated by their peers.
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