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Why don't people know the difference between a "vulva" and a "vagina"?

People (even women) so often use "vagina" to refer to a woman's entire genital regions. On doctor TV shows they do this (on Scrubs they tried to get Elliott more comfortable with female genitalia by showing her a picture of a woman with a tear tattoo "on her vagina").

This is inaccurate. Why do so few people get female anatomy terminology right?
tynamite's avatar I did sexual education in school and forgot the word existed. Ask me a question about it, and I wouldn't be able to recall the word. In fact, I've completely forgotten what the word vulva means!

Ten minutes later after a long think

I remember the things I learnt in school that are important. Ask me
anything about English, Maths, Geography, and Biology Chemistry and Physics
when I did Triple Science, and I'll be able to answer that. I have a really good memory.

Now that I think about it, there was no lesson in class that showed a vagina diagram on an overhead projector, with a teacher going "Here is the clitoris, here is the labia, and here is the..." with arrows pointing to all the areas. Such lessons never existed. I did learn about DNA, how traits are inherited, how twins identical or not are conceived, defective traits like sickle cell, but there were no diagrams of which you speak of. The only diagram I saw was in a text book in class, on a page I wasn't supposed to go on, and I didn't consider that to be important enough to remember. I had more important questions to answer in my exercise book to answer, about inheritance.
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tynamite's avatar


Our sex ed nurse said they couldn't hang up the female anatomy illustration in the boys' class because they would get too unruly. The girls got the cross-section view of male anatomy.
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tynamite's avatar


I can imagine a bunch of 11 year old kids sat the back of the classroom making jokes if that happened.
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tynamite's avatar


Yeah, me, too. I am so glad I teach 7-year-olds.
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tynamite's avatar


That’s because they are not taught about sex, therefore its a joke. Girl will do the same thing, given the right time.
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Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

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