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If given the choice, would it be better to suddenly become smarter or better looking? Why?
tynamite's avatar This answer is very long. And it's my 1000th answer! :D

If I had to make a choice right now, I would choose better looking.
I don't see a usage in getting any more clever than I already am. I've wrote 2 novels, I'm sick at music, and am making a contribution with the internet. I'm already making my impact on the world. Why do I need to get any more intelligent?

Every time I meet a new person, within 3 hours, they tell me that I'm clever, and I don't know why. It's not like I spend my time talking about topical or clever things about politics, health or computers. Maybe it's the way that I see the world. I just don't see why they say that, so I'm not really missing out on anything by not being any more intelligent.

If I had to make a choice for a new life, or live my life all over again, I would choose better looking.

When it comes to choices that we make for our lives, we choose those choices because we want to become happy. When you are intelligent, that typically means that you have a heightened sense of creativity, perception of life, or skill on topics.

That means that you are good at things in a solitary environment, and that you can help others with your ways. However, solely being creative, enlightened, or skillful; is not enough to make one happy in life.

If I had to choose the one thing that would make someone happy in life, it would be being socialable. By being socialable, people can have a high self esteem, confidence, and a boosted morale. But most of all, their friends will give them direction in life, and put them in esteemed and elevated places.

If there is one thing in life that will guarantee you: a career, money and exposure like intelligence does, and a holiday, going to parties, and getting married, it is being sociable, and not intelligence.

1x sociable = 10x intelligence

Not everyone can be socialable, so how can you become that way?

How you look, strongly dictates the friends that you get.

That is sad but true. If you're better looking, you'll make more friends. So in turn, you'll be happier for being better looking. People won't want to admit this unfortunate fact, and they definitely won't want to admit that good looks triumphs over intelligence because of this.

If I had to live my whole life again, or chose who I was reincarnated again;, I would choose good looks over intelligence any day. That sounds like some kind of suicidal betrayal thingy, because I wouldn't be able to contribute so much to the world if I wasn't smart. But at the end of the day, all that matters is that I am happy. What positive things people 100km from me get out of my life is not important.

Before anyone makes assumptions, I'm a likeable person, and I am very good at making friends through association. I'm that person who went in the pub with a friend, while he spoke to his friends I didn't know. I spoke less than 100 words and made 2 friends, one of them because they eavesdropped on what I said. Whenever I speak, everyone in the room stops talking, to hear what I have to say. I'm that person who had girls flocking me 6 at a time crowding around me, getting other girls jealous. Somehow I got a girl on a chat room to fall in love with me. o_O

I can see both sides of the coin, and I know which side of the coin I prefer.
Right now I'm freelancing for a footballer in London, businesses in Coventry, and an agency in Brighton. My novel is having a book club for it for teenagers to learn how to write, and I'll be able to come in and teach them. I've got more stuff bouncing around the place.

I would seriously swap 100% intelligence for 100% socialable. Life is about being happy, not being sad about the life that's around you.

With that, I'll give you my poem called Friendship. My poem can explain it better than I can.

One person alone, is not alot.

But one person, can make all the difference.

One can make the wait seem shorter.

And make my day, last out for longer.

One person can make me feel stronger.

Make me feel I've got my place.

In the world, so I can continue.

Doing what I do, seen by only you.

One person can give me strength.

Make me feel I can carry on.

That I have my place in the world.

And purpose in life to do what I do.

When the day ends, I think of the one.

And what I would do if they're gone.

Would I actually carry on?

Doing things, with nothing to show for it.

Three people can make me feel alive.

So I'll never have to think about how I'll survive.

Make me feel that the life I'm living.

Is the life I'm supposed to be living.

Make me soar over the old life I once had.

Make me feel how I used to feel.

Make me happy as I once was.

Make me secure, and more confident.

Nowadays, people are so different.

They're more different than they were before.

It's not that anyone has changed.

It's just that people aren't like each other any more.

Life is weird in a space of five minutes.

One minute you're normal, the next, you're truly happy.

People giving you direction in life.

Living life, the way you're meant to live it.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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