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What's the best way to drive away a troublemaker in a community?

We have a trouble making user who has created a handful of accounts in our forum and is using them to create drama. What's the best way to drive him away?
tynamite's avatar Let the users handle the drama themselves. People shouldn't place too much importance on drama. Making your website a drama free zone is a ridiculous thing to do. Drama will always happen in the real world. That's life. You can stop people from being vindictive, but you can't stop people from being their usual abrasive selves around other people. Don't be laizzes fairre, but also give people space to breathe. That is the key.

Drama that happened on a website I was on in 2011
Last year I was on a website that had a big drama. There was a group called Ban Sortni Kuter (name is changed) from Writers Cafe made by a cowboy, and one she made called Just Here to Write. One of my friends chose the first group, and another chose the second one. Basically what happened is that a 16 year old girl fancied this man who was in his 30s who puts on a cowboy persona and puts up cowboy photos. He wasn't interested in her, but was interested instead in another girl a couple of months ago. He asked her out but she was too scared to say no so she said yes and never let him sleep with her or be close to her. The girl is young, and is not the 16 year old girl I mentioned before. Well that girl broke up with him, told him the whole thing was fake, and he got all depressed about it. She joined the ban group as the man she liked made it.

Rewind back a year, and the 16 year old girl was writing poems about how much she loved him and how he should be with her and not the soon-to-be-ex, saying that she was using him, and that he wouldn't believe her. This girl is depressed, hates her life, and was bullied since Kindergarden. She refuses to say why she is depressed, asks people not to ask why she's depressed, and seeks refuge in other people's happiness. Her self esteem is so low that she writes fanfiction for others and got really hurt when people on some next website didn't believe her dyslexia and was offensive to her about her spelling mistakes.

Fast forward back to now, and my friend who joined the Just Here To Write group sent me a private message and told me the whole backstory. The ex is now with a new guy, and he was racist to the 16 year old's friend as the friend sent him nasty texts, and it was the only way that she would go away. After the drama diffused, the 16 year old girl stopped liking him as she found that he was a child. The cowboy guy she liked is a schizophrenic man who looks in his 30s, with the mental age of a child. He has learning difficulties and multiple personalities. He sometimes comments on his photos calling himself attractive. You cannot trust him with secrets, as when he becomes a child, he becomes naive and starts to trust anyone and tell them what he knows.

To top that all off, there was a old woman who was in her 50s being a troll who had like 100 accounts on the site so she could dominate the ratings and get all the views. She ran contests and made herself win them and took up half the sites traffic. The website is run by 1 person who runs and made the website. He refused to get involved with the drama, as he sees the site as a social experiment to see how people will behave with the website untouched. The only time he did anything, was when the 50 year old wrote that me and the friend (not the 16 year old one), were paedophiles, so the admin got that removed from the website. The 50 year old friend also harrassed a different friend there who hasn't been mentioned yet.

Me and the friend who joined the Just Here To Write group got her gone from the website, by using indirects, and we never named her name once except to a few people we trust. Most people do not know who she is. All we did is got people to make a stance that they are here for good, and that message amplied across the website, so she got scared of us two and ran away, as us two are way too clever for her.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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