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Why are women still yearning for shelter and protection by men in the 21st century, e.g., because of Hollywood perceptions, for societal or cultural reasons, a fear of dealing with life on our own, et cetera?

Regarded to the position of women in the western world, they should be strong and independent, confident and proud, i.e. Christine Lagarde or Angela Merkel. But still, women are looking for someone who is stronger, wiser - the one who give them the feeling of safety.
What's the reason for this phenomenon?
A few years ago I wrote my bachelor thesis about "using fairy motifs in film". Could fairy tales and hollywood movies be the reason why women want to be rescued?
Or should we look at another point of life: our society, our culture? Could it be possible that we are scared of dealing with life on our own? Do we grow up with the idea, handling life is not possible without a relationship? Aren't we able to manage life alone?

Would be glad reading answers of women and men. I'm excited if the answer depends on gender ;-)
tynamite's avatar Fuck patriarchy rubbish.
You've been watching too many Hollywood movies, where the women define themselves by having a man, and can't function without one. In those movies, the women become a nervous wreck if they have no man.

You, the person who asked the question said....
But still, women are looking for someone who is stronger, wiser - the one who give them the feeling of safety.
What's the reason for this phenomenon?
A few years ago I wrote my bachelor thesis about "using fairy motifs in film". Could fairy tales and hollywood movies be the reason why women want to be rescued?
You need to watch this video. You would like 4:00 onwards the best!

Oscar season is a time when members of Hollywood are celebrated and reward for the work that they do. But it is also a time when we see just how male centered the movie industry really is. As Allan G. Johnson points out, "If you want a story about heroism, moral courage, spiritual transformation, endurance, or any of the struggles that give human life its deepest meaning, men and masculinity are usually the terms in which you must see it," and since the vast majority of Hollywood films are about these narratives then that might explain the overabundance of stories about men's lives.
Your perception that women in the 21st century define themselves by having a man in their life is WRONG!
I think you'll find that single women in the Western world are happier about not having a man, then women abroad.

The real reason why women are "yearning for shelter and protection by men in the 21st century" (NOT!), is because they want children, so as a young adult they have to make a choice. They either have to have a child at a young age, or pursue their career. Older women make it clear to younger women that they can't have (juggle/manage) both at once.
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Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

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