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Does it makes sense to think that everyone thinks alike in that they think differently?

Why is it that I'm trying to formulate a unifying theory about the way people think? I often find this mental exercise very draining, tiring, depressing, discouraging, and generally not thought provoking. I can't seem to find a single way to tie everyone's psychology together, and I have so many assumption about people's affinity to naturally think similarly...
tynamite's avatar It's very simple.
We all want the same things in life, but we all react to the same conflict in different ways.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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