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What are all the possible meanings of "We decided it was best for [X Person] to step away"?
tynamite's avatar We decided it was best for, in this unique context means, given the circumstances, it does not mean that it was an ideal solution for the predicament, as in life, we can't always get what we want.

I'll give an analogy.

If myself and my two friends buy each of themselves an ice cream, with each of them paying for it with their own hard earned money, and one of my friend's drops theirs on the floor, we (as in myself as there are only 2 ice creams left), decided it was best to give the disappointed friend my ice cream. It doesn't mean best as in "best" or ideal in the traditional sense of the word, but instead that it is the favourable option.

The most respectable option we would all typically choose given we were in that situation, would be for our friend to go without, as they had dropped it, and it would be unfair for 2 people's money to go to waste. For the sake of argument, the ice cream came from an ice cream van, so we cannot buy new ice creams. We can only stick with the ice creams we have. As we can only stick with the ice creams we have, a person (me) is given a double bind of "put up or shut up", in order to alleviate the situation. I either give my friend my ice cream, or eat my one all to myself. Both solutions cannot happen at once, and neither of them is a resolution.

Given the circumstances of whatever is going on in Quora-management-land that none of us know about, we decided it was best for [X Person] to step away. Not that it was an ideal outcome.

In short, Charlie had to step away, because he was left with little choice. He could have stayed, but would he have wanted to?

Why he resigned however? I guess we'll never know.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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