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tynamite's avatar You know what they say, you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family. Both my parents are abusive.

My mother is a child abuser who abused all her 6 children which resulted in 2 of her kids getting sectioned and attempting suicide and 2 of her kids getting surgery.

She would throw away her kids most treasured possessions, move and hide objects around the house and isolate her children from friends and family using threats and lies. She malnorished her son who had a Vitamin D deficency who takes Vitamin D tablets. She used to beat her oldest daughter with the belt which is illegal in the UK and she would make her go to bed on the landing in the same bed she wet the bed in. She refuses to tell me what other domestic abuse her mother did to her. She had an argument with her daughter and a glass vase fell on her foot and she had to go to hospital. I wasn’t in the room so I don’t know how it happened. Also physical beatings with the belt and slaps happened from both parents and verbal abuse of using insults and not forcing a child to be quiet in arguments.

She destroyed 17 years of my intellectual property.

Also I was kicked out of Coventry University in 2012 for not attending my exams. They didn't accept my appeal letter to let me back in. What I found out in September 2018 is that she walked into O2 pretending to be me to gain a replacement sim of my sim which is why my sim card stopped working, then she used that sim to access my Google account, my passwords, diary and wiretap my laptop. She then catfished me with my own diary, so those people I was talking to online, they were not real people. They were her. The plan worked.

My dad never wanted kids. His mother took 50% of his income from him so he only got with my mum to escape financial abuse. He's physically, verbally and financially abusive. One time he recorded on his phone himself being physically and verbally abusive to me so he could show his girlfriend.

Both my parents search my emails, diary and bins.

My two younger siblings fight me in fights that escalate to them using objects like hammers, sticks and knives. Every time I call the police, they tell them to stop fighting, but no one is ever punished. One time they came in with a tazer. The fights happen because my abusive mother ALLOWS the fighting to happen without punishing anyone. I don't want myself or them to be seriously injured, but when I call the police they don't do anything. They walk in, see they're a child, tell him to stop, and then leave. Repeat the process over and over again.

One of them read my diary then got abusive towards me so I had to phone the police. The same person also raped me multiple times for weeks or months.

My oldest sister refuses to answer my calls.

Out of 5 siblings not including myself, I'm only on speaking terms with 2 of them. The sister that I do talk to can play the saxophone, write novels and draw art, but she gave up creativity to work the typical 9 to 5 job. She wanted to work her way up the corporate ladder. She got her first job at 13 and has a very nice car and can afford nursery.

What a great family!!!!!!!!!

It's all about the Jungle guy to sort everything out.

I did report the abuse that was going on when I was 7 to ChildLine but they didn't take me seriously. The woman on the phone said after complaining that my papers were being thrown away "I don't think this is a serious issue.! The teachers said "I don't have the things I have as a child. What's the big deal? Just do another one." And the policeman just laughed when I told him I was hearing voices as a young child. I reported the abuse as a child and no one took me seriously.

My mother has NEVER given a reason why she did what she did. My two younger siblings have NEVER apologised. My dad NEVER apologised for his abuse. My mother has kicked out all their children out the house and my dad kicked me out the house because he read my diary and didn’t like what was in it and wants to kick out the other one but his girlfriend won’t let him.

That Domestic Abuse Bill is going to be put in.

Also about my hard drive, mum broke it when I was 16, my younger brother smashed my hard drive when I was 21, and then he stole my hard drive after I got on BBC Radio 1 in October 2018 and I had to call the police to get my hard drive back.

So that’s my domestic Abuse story.

Two kids sectioned and attempting suicide now on antipsychotics, and two kids getting surgery.

I was born in the 90s. As us children were not neglected, we weren’t physically beaten, we are educated, we had shelter, and food, at the time, no laws were broken, as us kids were not neglected.

However my child abuser mother committing domestic abuse towards all her six children did occur on a regular basis.

Under the old system, as no “old-style neglect” occurred, authorities could not prosecute. All they could do is “tell” the parent to stop or move the child from living with one parent to their other parent. If it happened again, and the child continued to complain, their only option would be for the child to choose to go into a care home or foster care, with the domestic abuser parent staying unpunished for their awful crimes.

The new law gives the authorities the much needed powers to bring domestic abusers to justice.

I was considering whether to publish an answer so personal onto the internet, but when abuse happens to you from your parents and siblings, and you're powerless, there's no recourse and you're helpless, I feel I have to say. As I cannot get justice for what happened to me.

If behaviour like this happened at a school or a workplace, I could easily tell a teacher or the manager, and get justice or the problem solved. But when your own parents are abusing you as a child so you're helpless, or your siblings are fighting you with sticks, knives, and hammers and your parents refuse to punish them for using objects, what can you do? You're helpless and powerless with no recourse.
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