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What do people at Google think of Facebook?
tynamite's avatar That it's a threat that must be destroyed.

facebook.com gets more traffic than google.com

News websites and blogs get more traffic from facebook.com than google.com . All Perez Hilton has to do is make a wall post or upload an image on his Facebook page or post a link to his page wall and BOOM, loads of website traffic.

Information on Facebook cannot be indexed by Google making Facebook a walled garden.

Google wants you to use their search engine to get information so they can control and dictate the internet. Facebook wants you to use your friends to get decisions so each person will get a different result for "What restaurants are good in birmingham" as a wall post than to use "Birmingham restaurants" in Google.

More games are played from Facebook applications than are played on online flash websites? Why? Because rather than game developers rely on paying for advertising and backlinks and pagerank; they can instead spread the game virally by asking their gamers to like their application page and put stuff on their profile wall.

FarmVille, the most popular Facebook game has more members than Twitter. Bye bye searching Google for games.

Facebook has the potential to launch an advertising system to rival Google AdSence.

Online advertising sucks. With Google AdSence you pay money for clicks and you have no control over where your adverts go and which websites you want to reject advertising on. You also have to put up with Google's automatic targeting and trust they can target your adverts correctly on websites.

Why use them? Because you can target people locally such as "rent a fridge in birmingham" or "birmingham plumbers"

What AdWords is good at doing is pleasing advertisers by connecting them to customers who know what they want. It is NOT good at getting advertisers trying to promote new services. When Nestle or Loreal have a new product to sell, don't use Google AdWords, instead use tv, outdoor or print adverts as they're more effective.

Facebook advertising on the other hand, can please advertisers by giving them sales to customers who do not know what they're looking for. When was the last time you saw an advert you liked on a Google advert for something you never heard of? Compare that to Facebook.

Also Facebook has people's likes, interactions, demographics and interests. Something Google does not have. If Google had this, their adverts would be alot more effective and less of a waste of money. Facebook adverts are 3 cents cost per click and are more effective as they are engaging.

When people are on their mobile phones, they logon to Facebook instead of Google. That's why they created Android, to get mobile advertising revenue.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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