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What is it like to be pretty/very attractive?
tynamite's avatar When I was a young boy, I would notice that women on tv with big breasts wanted smaller ones in general, and vice versa. I also noticed that men who got a lot of attention would start to hate it, and I would think are an ungrateful b*******.

When I got older, I started to get preyed upon by girls. The kind of harrassment that means that when you see them, they are giggling to themselves, and when they talk to you, they tell you that you're cute. I remember when I was with my friends, and a group of girls stood at the door talking amongst themselves. I walked outside after 5 minutes wanting to know what the deal is. I walked out and they ran off. It was extreme to onlookers.

It only took 3 days for me to say to my friends that I didn't want to be remembered for being cute.After 1 week it got annoying. Two weeks later I said to one of them, It's been two weeks now, get over yourself.

Now it's time to explain to you why I didn't like it.

I felt that when I was talking to them, that I was interrupting on their conversation. To an onlooker, like my male friends, who are good looking before you ask, they would see me and rate me, I had cred. How they felt it was for me, it didn't feel that way for me, and I was annoyed by the attention.

Now to explain why, and stop going off tangent.

When I was speaking to them, I didn't feel that I was properly having a conversation with them. It felt like I was interrupting their conversation. I felt like I was only talking to them, because they were letting me. It wasn't the same as becoming friends with someone because I restarted their iPod, made them laugh, or because they saw me round one of their friends. It's not the same.

There are good points for being attractive, such as the ability to make friends easily, and then making even more friends from being associated from those friends. I became friends with the girls of the girls who fancied me, and I still speak to them now. When I think about the memories I had being friends with the girls, I wouldn't take that back for anything.

And in case you're wondering whether they offered sex on a plate, they either didn't or rarely did. What most men don't understand, is that when a man is fancied by women, its still the woman's decision as to whether she wants to sleep with him or not, Being good looking man doesn't open a I can have sex with any girl pass. It does for women, but not for men.

The reason why people like me get annoyed by constant attention by the opposite sex, is because they feel that the relationship they have with the other person isn't real. And if it is, it can be very hard to know whether the relationship is genuine, or a woman being infactuated, as women have a way of having silly crushes for no reason. The same goes for women as well. Women can find it very hard to know whether the man who befriends her because he says she's cute, is really genuine, or trying to get into her pants.

With the girls, there was something about the relationship I had with them that didn't feel real. I constantly wanted to know why they wanted to be my friend, whether our friendship was based on a lie, and that there was something I overlooked. I also tried very hard to get to know the people I was friends with, and I found it very hard, because all they wanted to do was talk about me. They rarely talked about themselves, or sometimes flirting like singing Akon's I want to love you..., and me saying What are you on? Whatever you're on, I want some. Give me some of that, to find out what her deal is, and she shuts up and doesn't talk.

I preferred the attention of those girls, but I preferred being round friends who were boys and girls as they treat me like a real person, and teased and slagged me off to my face.
Something about the relationship didn't seem real, I loved the friendship I had with them, and the extra friends and memories it brang, but it didn't mean that they all slept with me and that I had threesomes.

Despite all this, when girls say that they don't like to be objectified, or that they want to boycott American Apparel, I will not get where they're coming from or understand them, because I'm not a girl. I don't get stared at or sexually harrassed on a day to day basis when I walk down the street.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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