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Was there an outcry among parents regarding the lyrics of Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night"?

They glamorize binge drinking, sexual experimentation, anonymous one-night stands, law-breaking, public nudity, and general debauchery.

And 11-year-olds listen to it.
tynamite's avatar No.

I'm sure that you know that pop music is continually increasing in sexual and violent content. You also know that these things were done before without a backlash. Tik Tok and I Kissed A Girl are about all the things you described in the question, so it's been done before, and it worked!

This reminds me of the article I read on Sky News about a smoking charity wanting to ban smoking from tv shows before the watershed. Not one comment on the article agreed with the proposed change. People who agree with such thing preach scaremongering values.

What you're suggesting by your question is that any movie with teenagers drinking in it, should have an age rating of 21. The kids of this generation don't live in the same world that you lived in when you grew up, where sex wasn't so prominent. These sexual and energetically charged pop songs produced by Dr Luke are not exposing children to anything new than what they already know.

People can't seem to distinguish between exposing children to something, and making them be aware of it. People also misuse the word glamourising. In the same way children can bracket violence from video games as pretend, to not be influenced by it, they also do the same with television, and music videos are a part of that. It's been scientifically proven, as tv runs by different rules than the real world.

I wouldn't think of pop music as corrupting young minds, I instead see it as an artform letting them know about what exists. By your logic, you would make movies with drinking in them a 21, and movies with driving an 18. Children have better judgement than what you give them credit for.

Children's behaviour isn't coming from their music videos, but instead from their older brothers and sisters, and they are copying their behaviour. Television is not the blame.
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An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

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