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Why are little girls cuter than little boys? Am I the only one who thinks so?

cute, attractive, endearing. Am I the only person who thinks so, or is there any specific reason behind this phenomenon?
tynamite's avatar Because girls have accentuated features.
When babies are born, they don't really have much going for them, looks wise, in comparison to when they're older. Their facial features are not yet defined, or defined enough to be considered what we'd call attractive. What this means is that male and female babies look similar to each other, - though you can still tell them apart! The fact that they look similar, doesn't allow us to point out their gender differences so much. Nobody is going to look at a baby and subconciously think about their masculine jawline or feminine long hair, as that wouldn't exist, hence them being a baby.

Now to explain about accentuated features. As babies, girls have better eyes, eyelashes, lips, and everything else. Everything that boys have, even their voices, women have it more, without any masculine features for boys to differentiate with. Have you ever seen a baby boy who looks jagged or rough?
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tynamite's avatar


Nonsense. It's my son that has the long lashes and the delicate chin.

My son was always mistaken for a girl, and my daughter for a boy. People make generalizations and then fall all over themselves o apologize. I note that I didn't dress either of them in pink, and the identification of my son as a girl happened even when he was dressed in utterly "boy" coded clothes.
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tynamite's avatar


Just because your children worked against the trend, doesn"t mean the trend doesn't exist.

It's not nonsense if you draw anime or think carefully.

Right now as an adult I have naturally curly eyelashes, and I was confused for a girl because I had a "baby face".
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tynamite's avatar


The trend absolutely does not exist. Unless a baby is naked from the waist down, it's impossible to tell the gender of a baby from its physical appearance without social cues (e.g. clothing, haircuts).

In fact, I'd go as far as saying that this is probably true until the age of about 5 or 6 at least. Seriously, grab a 6 year old girl from the street, give her a buzz cut, and dress her in a pair of jeans and a Spider-Man top, and take her out. Nobody will assume she's anything but a little boy.

Actually don't do that. Kidnapping random children from the street to conduct trans-gender experiments on them is frowned upon in modern society. I found that out the hard way.
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tynamite's avatar


Not trend, expectation.
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