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Why has the UK retained the monarchy?
tynamite's avatar Most British people don't like the Royal Family. Don't be fooled by what the media tells you. When the news was all happy to show patriotic people celebrating the Royal Wedding, they were the 0.0001% of people.

British people don't like the Royal Family because their extravagant lives are funded by taxes, yet they've never worked a day in their life. To make it worse, they have nothing to do with running the country. They're more hated than Rupert Murdoch. At least he worked to get to where he is today.
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tynamite's avatar


'They're more hated than Rupert Murdoch.' This is a very extreme view and I have never heard this view from anyone at all. Not once, not ever.

Where did you get the statistic that only 0.0001% of people celebrated the Royal Wedding? Seems seems serious at odds with every other statistic, both reported and anecdotal, that I've heard.

I think it is fine to have your own opinion, but to state your extreme opinion reflects most of Britain's has made a seriously flawed response.
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tynamite's avatar


Most of the people who vote in the UK are 50+, and most young people don't vote. That's why the elderly have free bus travel. Asking random people in the city centre of London about the Royal Family would produce a fairer result than a national vote that people wouldn't bother to complete.
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tynamite's avatar


Yes. It's called polling. The results don't entirely match your claims though....

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tynamite's avatar


I wonder what subset of the population got polled. If I went to London and interviewed people on the train or tube, where all demographics of people are, I would receive different results. I don't agree that your source produces a fair result which matches the views of the country.
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tynamite's avatar


The data conflicts with your views, so the data must be wrong? You can even get the breakdown of the results ( http://today.yougov.co.uk/sites/today.yougov.co.uk/files/110427_royal_wedding.pdf ). None of the groups they split out (age, sex, social class, region) had >50% favour an elected head of state. The closest is in Scotland, where were 57% for the monarchy vs. 30% for elected heads of state.
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tynamite's avatar


That is absolute rubbish. If a referendum were held in the UK next week on whether or not we should keep the royal family as heads of state, the result would be an overwhelming yes. That would probably be an even mix of people who genuinely love them, and those who feel that the system works well enough, so why change it? And yes, those feelings are influenced by the media who use fawning coverage of the royals to fill space with little effort, but if only 0.001% of the population wanted them, they'd be long gone.
I don't think it's true that they've never worked a day in their lives, either. Living their lives in the public eye and fulfilling all their civic duties as ceremonial heads of state is a sort of work, and not work that most sane people would ever choose to do.
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tynamite's avatar


"Living their lives in the public eye and fulfilling all their civic duties as ceremonial heads of state is a sort of work, and not work that most sane people would ever choose to do."

Here's the point where I stop talking now. I can't believe that you just said that.
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