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What are some common forms of sexism that men face?

tynamite's avatar I can let you know that there is no common form of sexism that men face. Sexism comes from when a gender is vindicated based on how they are judged for their gender, and to think about this in the context of men, it's not something that really happens.

Women are judged as being less intelligent than men, less self sufficient than men, and are expected to be more submissive and presentable than men. This constitutes to sexism, and women are subjected to such judgements and social pressures, and more that I can't think of, on a daily basis from a young age. It's a hard concept for men to understand, which is why feminists and women are misunderstood. All of these things men don't really see, and even if they were aware of it (me), it doesn't mean that they will truly understand it.

When myself as a man comes to think about any such things that would apply to men, I cannot think of any that constitutes as sexism. Where are these judgements and social pressures that men face?

I'm sure there must be one. Okay then, I'll get pedantic.

The last time I have ever experienced sexism, is when my friend asked me to hold a tripod whilst walking around the place. We were in a group doing a group project, filming to make a video on factors that affect health. My friend didn't want to hold the tripod anymore, so she asked me to do it. The social pressure of men being strong providers inclined me to say yes. Saying no was not an option. She knew this, and she used it.

In my whole 19 years of living, that was the only form of sexism I got.
You could even look at the girl asking me to hold a tripod as a good thing. I know I do. I personally found holding the tripod empowering. It was good sexism!

So in conclusion, men don't really suffer from sexism, and if they do, it's not common.

Oh you want me to get even more pedantic?

My teacher at my old school was groped by a dinner lady. He mentioned this in the staff room, and got laughed at, even by the men! My brother was at a party, and a fat girl raped a drunk guy. He was lying on the ground while the woman was doing her thing. People were laughing recording it on their phones - even the men! The only way a man can get raped, is if he wants it to happen, because he likes it.

I think we can all see why this is bad, even though it's rare. However, men don't get forced upon often in real life, so if a man got groped at a train station by a woman, it's good sexism!

All these rare sexisms towards men are at most times, good sexisms, because they can be counted upon one hand.


I've just heard some woman I know say this this morning after something that happened.

I hate how if I'm offended by something a guy said, I'm "overreacting", but if a man gets offended by me, they have every right to
The same thing can't really be said for men. I can't imagine men being chastised for acting like a man, to the same extent that women are chastised for acting like women. In fact I can't recall any such thing at all.

People say that men face sexism for being expected to act like men, but
when they do act like one, they're not chastised for it - like women are
for acting like how they're supposed to act like women.

When she said that, I had a long think. If that's just one aspect of sexism women face for behaving how women are supposed to behave - sensitive - what other sexism do women face for acting about how they're supposed to, let alone trying to branch out to new things. I had a long think about this. I never thought about sexism in that way before.

Also, why is this collapsed? I'm making perfect sense.
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