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Is sex binary?
tynamite's avatar Yes it is.

Traditional Sex Roles

We can see the differences in gender, when we look at the different roles men and women have in society. In the olden days of the hunter-gatherer society, as 90% of all work was agricultural before the Industrial Revolution happened, it was the men that did most the work as work was hard and physically tiring as there was no tractors. It was the woman's job to be a housewife doing cooking and caring for the children. The Industrial Revolution invented Second Wave Feminism, as women only wanted to work in male jobs once white collar jobs got invented, such as working in a telephone switchboard. They never wanted to do men's work before that, when the work was hard.

Nowadays we live in a society where women are allowed to work in any field they want. Equal rights definitely exist. However when we look at the technical jobs such as science and technology, and pink collar jobs such as teaching and nursing, we see a distinct difference in the careers men and women choose. The feminist response to this, which I disagree with, is that "gender is a social construct" and that a lack of role models and discouragement is the reason for this. If gender is a social construct, how are transsexuals who reject their birth gendered stereotypes in favour of the opposite sex, convinced they are born in the wrong body? David Reimer is a man whose penis was chopped off as a baby by accident, and as technology wasn't advanced enough to put it back on, he was brought up as a female, and his parents gave him female toys and pink clothes. The twist is that he had an identical twin who was brought up as a male, so scientists and doctors could see whether gendered roles are genetic or environmental or not. He rejected all female things in favour of male things, his parents told him the truth when he was 18, and he eventually commited suicide with his twin brother doing so later on. Tell that story to a feminist, and they'll bat their eyelids and squirm. Sex roles developed in all mammals, humans are not exempt.

Research has been done on regarding sex roles as to how early they sink in, and it's been found that 18 month old boys gravitate toward male toys like vehicles and 18 month girls gravitate towards dolls. How is this possible, if they cannot form a single sentence and haven't been supseptied to television adverts? Research also shows that newborn babies prefer to look at vehicles if they're male and dolls if they're female. Other research shows that females who are born with too much testosterone tend to gravitate towards systems rather than people, and that testosterone causes a lack of empathy.

If a social theory holds place in large scale models, surely it should also hold place in small scale models, too. Going back to the feminist narrative, of gender being a social construct, meaning that all differences between the genders are caused by society, a lack of role models sounds very ill-fitting in my head, as their theory fails to hold its place in small scale models. Let's say nine men are programming and one woman, and a woman is asked if she wants to join in and she says no. We should not then conclude that she said no due to a lack of role models, as there was no barrier of entry. If there is no barrier of entry, how can a lack of role models be a problem, if women are free to act of their own choosing without deterrent?

Creating legal and social policies for women to enter male dominated fields when there is no barrier of entry, is misguided will ultimately fail, such as affirmative action or quotas. Instead of asking why men dominate certain fields, people should instead ask why women do not want to be educated in those fields. We should rewind back the clock to focus on education choices rather than career disparities. Girls Can Code charity, Google, and Facebook understand this, so they have programs to help women be educated in technology, and the White House and Facebook understand that men collectively get paid more than women - despite Obama's stupid talking about the pay gap - due to a combination of various factors that are not discrimination. However, genetics cannot be overridden or whitewashed. Norway's and Australia's government gender equality department has routinely attempted to get women into male dominated fields and vice versa, and the results were only temporary. The people would leave after a couple of months. Various studies have shown that women choose to stay away from STEM fields. [one] [two] [three]

The New York Times included this brief reference to a paper that appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in the middle of a fascinating piece about discrimination among psychologists. They could have done a whole article just on this paper. Here’s the claim in brief: Why aren’t there more women in CS? Because women choose not to be there, not because of discrimination. The focus in BPC should be on informing female students about the options in CS, then, not trying to correct for bias or discrimination.

Instead, the taboo against discussing sex differences was reinforced, so universities and the National Science Foundation went on spending tens of millions of dollars on research and programs based on the assumption that female scientists faced discrimination and various forms of unconscious bias. But that assumption has been repeatedly contradicted, most recently in a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by two Cornell psychologists, Stephen J. Ceci and Wendy M. Williams. After reviewing two decades of research, they report that a woman in academic science typically fares as well as, if not better than, a comparable man when it comes to being interviewed, hired, promoted, financed and published.
“Thus,” they conclude, “the ongoing focus on sex discrimination in reviewing, interviewing and hiring represents costly, misplaced effort. Society is engaged in the present in solving problems of the past.” Instead of presuming discrimination in science or expecting the sexes to show equal interest in every discipline, the Cornell researchers say, universities should make it easier for women in any field to combine scholarship with family responsibilities.

via https://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/08/science/08tier.html?_r=1&ref=todayspaper


The real wage gap is explained by common choices by gender.
Like which college major you choose.
10 more remunerative college majors:

  • Petroleum Engineering: 87% male
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration: 48% male
  • Math and Computer Science: 67% male
  • Aerospace Engineering: 88% male
  • Chemical Engineering: 72% male
  • Electrical Engineering: 89%
  • Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering: 97% male
  • Mechanical Engineering: 90% male
  • Metallurgical Engineering: 83% male
  • Mining and Mineral Engineering: 90% male

10 least remunerative college majors:[1]

  • Counseling Psychology: 74% female
  • Early Childhood Education: 97% female
  • Theology and Religious Vocations: 35% female
  • Human Services and Community Organization: 81% female
  • Social Work: 88% female
  • Drama and Theater arts: 60% female
  • Studio Arts: 66% female
  • Communication Disorders Sciences and Services: 94% female
  • Visual and performing Arts: 77%
  • Health and Medical Preparatory Programs: 55% female



When I showed a feminist on this site about the gender disparity in course choices at university, telling her that it was free of discrimination as enrolment departments have no incentive to discriminate, I was then given statistics on how white people dominate Fortune 500 companies, so I was asked whether that had to do with genetics too that white people dominate fields that ethnic minorities aren't given a representative percentage of. My response to that is that the education system is free of discrimination unlike the job market, so whatever skewed statistics happen in education, must be evident of something biological, genetics. Then comes the argument that about discouragement pushing women out of these careers (not enough room to give examples here), in the same way that feminism has pushed women out of the house into careers. Yes I can accept that that can be the case infrequently, but it doesn't account for the huge gender disparity that we see, as discouragement is a form of suggestion, not conditioning. I have done a Health & Social Care course being the only male in the course (I didn't want to do the course so me being in it doesn't count), working in a hospital and a nursery that was mostly or only women, and I have worked in computing with women, and I never faced any discouragement in women's fields, and neither did the women did not in computing. Feminists refuse to account for the instances when discouragement doesn't exist, and when they "do", they blame it on a lack of role models, and as my analogy above explains, a lack of role models shouldn't be a factor if there are no barriers to entry. Gender is not a social construct. I had a feminist tell me that I was only interested in computing because I'm a male meaning that society pushed me into that and I would be doing psychology if tv adverts sold dolls for boys. Well that theory is infalsifiable as she can just say it's subconscious.

Gays exhibit different behaviours from straight people of the same gender, despite being given the same social pressures

Gender affects ones interests, behaviours and expectations. As a man, I am interested in computers (interest), I hide my emotions (behaviour), and I expect to be judged by my level of resources or money (expectations). A good way of seeing whether our gender inherently affects our behaviour, is to compare straight people to gays, because then it would show that men behave differently do to something they're born as, considering that gay and straight males are given the same social pressures, such as being taught not to show emotion and play with trucks and action figures instead of dolls. Considering that gay and straight men are given the same social pressures, any differences between them would show that gendered behaviour is innate and that society constructs around it, rather than society constructing gender (as feminists believe).

Everyone knows that you can spot gays by how they act! Studies have been done on people to find out if we can spot them when mixed in with some straight people, by their voice and body language, and 80% of the time, they were spotted! Now the question we have to ask is how they were spotted. Well the gay men were acting more feminine and the lesbian women were acting more masculine. This has to be expected, considering that strangely a high amount of dancers, pursers, hairdressers, stylists and photographers within the industry are gay. Of course many of the them are gay, because gay men have feminine traits, so they'll reject male interests in favour of female interests. Science has proven this. Although there are men or women who shun masculine or feminine interests in favour of interests of the opposite sex, they still are happy with their gender they are born as even though they don't have 100% of the opposite sex hormones that match their behaviour of the opposite sex. Now what transsexuals do, is take homosexuality to the extreme! :P They not only reject gender norms of their birth sex and seek people of the same sex, but they want to become the opposite sex in the midst of their lack of male birth or female birth identity, while wanting the hormone "therapy" ahem replacement, that they solely lack and desire because part of them (just like gays), exhibits behaviours of the opposite sex.

What a transsexual does, is reject all masculine or feminine things, in favour for the social fittings that make up the opposite sex, as they knew something was off key when they socialised with different sexes (particularly their birth sex). A male to female transsexual would reject not wearing make up and choose to wear make up and high heels as they choose to do female things to identify with being female. Gays are even worse at reading maps than straight men.

Now what a genderqueer person does, is do both masculine and feminine things. A genderqueer man might wear make up while working in construction for instance. Doing both masculine and feminine things doesn't make you a third gender, it makes you a normal person.

Gender is still a binary option, as the transsexuals and genderqueer people are picking activities and behaviours from either masculine or feminine hats, or even both.

The levels of testosterone or estrogen dictate how masculine or feminine a person's behaviours are (along with other hormones such as prolactin which is a female hormone which makes women cry more often), and anyone who claims to be a third gender is failing to understand the binary option of behaviours that dictate our life. Also there is no psychological differences in people who say they're a third gender, as they still have lots of testosterone or estrogen. Is Tim Minchin gay because he wears make up? No he's not. He does both male and female things, being married with kids (male thing), and wears make up (female thing). Tim Minchin isn't genderqueer. He's a man who doesn't give a shit about gender boundaries. Don't be defined by your gender, be defined by what you do. There's no need to put a label on it to look like a special snowflake. Do atheists wear atheist jewellery, or do only Christians wear crosses and rosemary beads? There's no need to declare you're going against the grain.

Mating Strategy

A British study showed that 80% of men were happy who had one night stands the day after, but only 40% of women were happy with it, as they felt they were used.

Another study showed that men's heart rate and stress levels went up higher when given the prospect of their girlfriend having sex with someone else compared to falling in love with someone else, but with women it was the other way round.

Men said they'd like 14-16 sexual partners in their life, but for women, it was 4-6. I do not believe that these differences are environmental, as it is like that for every country in the world.

A study done in San Francisco showed that 28% of the men surveyed had more than 1000 sexual partners, whilst 2% of lesbians had sex with more than 100 people and none more than 1000.

According to studies done by OKCupid using millions of people, women rate 80% of men below average, meaning that only 20% of men are desirable. For men, they rated women according to what you would expect. This goes to explain why ugly women can have sex whenever they want but ugly men are priced out of the market for no fault of their own.

Socrates Method

Cultural Marxism has been dubbed "the greatest cancer in the Western world" but few even know what it is.

Definition of Cultural Marxism*:

Cultural Marxism: An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and "anti-racism." Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable. Cultural Marxists deny that biological reality of race or gender and argue that race and gender is a “social construct”. Nonetheless, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites. Cultural Marxists typically support race-based affirmative action, the proposition state (as opposed to a nation rooted in common ancestry), elevating non-Western religions above Western religions, speech codes and censorship, multiculturalism, diversity training, anti-Western education curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism, the dispossession of white people, and mass Third World immigration into Western countries. Cultural Marxists have promoted idea that white people, instead of birthing white babies, should interracially marry or adopt non-white children. Samuel P. Huntington maintained that Cultural Marxism is an anti-white ideology.


A person who believes in Cultural Marxism will believe that Quora has the right to ban people who write hate speech here, citing that a private company has the right to do what they want; however their stance soon changes when Instagram deletes a photo of a fat girl selfie for being hideously fat, or when Facebook deletes breastfeeding photos. I believe that hate speech has it's place on the internet as everyone has the right to air their opinion in a public forum, no matter how controversial. I don't believe in multicultralism, I don't believe that gender is a social construct, so I don't believe in cultural marxism.

It's quite amusing how upset these feminists and "social theorists" get once they are presented with empirical data revolving around biology. They try to discredit that which is substantiated through their own self serving theories, then claim that it is the biologists whom are biased. Absolutely disgusting.

Gender equality means nothing. Genders are different by definition. "Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity". Gender equality is an oxymoron like parallel convergences, truly false etc etc. There is people rights equality (well, it should be what we all aim at, at least), but gender equality is a propaganda empty statement which because is false by definition can only lead to supremacy of one side over the other side.

We live in a society where men and women have equal rights, and equality of opportunity as far as careers are concerned as the glass ceiling does not exist. But still, gender equality is an oxymoron, because the genders have different strengths, weaknesses, characteristics and wants. I do not believe in Cultural Marxism, that all differences in gender are due to society.

The Socrates Method is a method of arguing by asking questions, in order to spark critical thinking in students. Here goes.

If gender is a social construct, why can women have sex whenever they want from the opposite sex and men can't?

If gender is a social construct, why are men polygamous and women hypergamous?

If gender is a social construct, why have brain scans revealed that men are better at logical thinking, and women at intuitive thinking, matching the stereotype?

If gender is a social construct, why do we have traditional gender roles just like mammals?

If gender is a social construct, why do women link sex to love, and men not? (It's not to do with the media, it's due to hormones.)

If gender is a social construct, why do women prefer to date jerks compared to nice guys, whereas men do not?

If gender is a social construct, why don't women like men who respect them and show emotion, and for men it's the opposite for women?

If gender is a social construct, why are boys better at maths and women better at english, matching the stereotype?

If gender is a social construct, why are women objectified more than men?

If gender is a social construct, why do the IQs of men range from low to high, but stay in the middle for women?

If gender is a social construct, why do newborn boys prefer to look at trains and newborn girls prefer to look at faces, when given the two to look at?

If gender is a social construct, how come the population increases if you wipe out 20% of men, but instead falls if you wipe out 20% of women?
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