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Has awarding Quora Credits turned Quora into some freaking contest for egomaniacs?

I am a journalist and I write about sports and the business of sports. I cover sports agents. I use Quora to learn and write about my interests outside of sports, for the most part. I like to learn about psychology, art, music, social advice, etc.
I have been trying to become a better person which means getting out of my self will and ego. However I find myself looking at the number of Quora Credits I have. Wow, I gained 1,000 credits, or whatever. And I am all proud of myself. Then I think, wow, that is so lame and all about my ego and self will. What do others think?
tynamite's avatar I have 30,000 credits and I'm just letting them collect dust and accumulate. Zero credits will be donated to the Quora Credit Co-Op v2.0.

Someone has to have loads of credits somewhere, so why can't it be me?

Update: 6000 credits in 2 weeks! w00t w00t!
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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