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What is your best collapsed answer?
tynamite's avatar All these answers deserve to be upvoted to the top!

Anonymous's answer to Where can you find the most thought-provoking content on the Internet?
Very thought provoking, indeed!

It turns out that women get paid the same amount for equivalent work. Whether they get promoted or get offered careers or executive jobs, is a different matter.
Anonymous's answer to What exactly causes women to be paid 70%-80% as much as men when performing the same job?

How is it possible for this not to be true? I swear!
Paul Mareks's answer to What should I do with my career if I aspire to become one of the 1%?

This answer comes like a sheep in the night. You've been forewarned.
Helena S. Dias's answer to Who responds to email sent to [email protected]?

Guess how Quora has changed my life?
Adisa Nicholson's answer to How has Quora improved Quora users' lives?

You lot are all sheep. When will you realise that Quora is a content farm?

Quora wants to replace Answers.com/Wikipedia/Ehow.com, and be the number 1 search result for any question you can ask for. That's why dumb questions you could find out with Google for 5 minutes, and survey questions are allowed. One day Quora will flip the switch, redesign the website, and put adverts on.
Kent Palmer's answer to Is it a good idea to tell people on Quora, "Your question is stupid"?

The only real answer written on the page, by someone who knows something about North Korea.
Terrence Reed's answer to Should you try to escape North Korea knowing that your family will be punished for it?

Members of the Quora Troll Group #1
Alex K. Chen's answer to Is there a running list of the known and suspected members of the supposed "Quora Troll Group"?

Members of the Quora Troll Group #2
Anonymous's answer to Is there a running list of the known and suspected members of the supposed "Quora Troll Group"?

People don't want to blame themselves when their answers get collapsed. How dumb is that? I've written an answer that was collapsed and written by someone else, in my own words before, and got it upvoted to the top. There are ways to go about things, if you want to get across what you're trying to say, if you know you're posting something that is uncomfortable, inconvenient or marginalised.

Not everyone understands the ways of putting the uncomfortable words across, to curb retribution.
Adisa Nicholson's answer to What should I do when there is another user on Quora following me, ridiculing my answers and voting them down in a knee-jerk fashion?

I was going to post an answer which linked to 10+ of my answers that people here found controversial, but because people have collapsed the eye-opening endearing answer, I've changed my mind.
Anonymous's answer to What are the most controversial anonymous answers posted on Quora?

Ariel Williams got trolled!
Adisa Nicholson's answer to How can I determine if I am a troll?

Drop your psychology theories about trolls, as if they are sick in the head.
Anonymous's answer to How can I determine if I am a troll?

The best collapsed answer ever!!!!!!!!!! Someone got done!
Anonymous's answer to What is it like to be a jerk?
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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