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What is the best open source personality test?
tynamite's avatar Similar Minds have loads of amazing tests.

Check out the Global Advanced Personality Test. It is the best personality test, and I'm being serious. You should try it every couple of years, and see how you change over time. It also maps out the everchanging morale you have, like self esteem/confidence/shyness.

You can tell a lot about someone by the results they get in this test. That's why it's the only personality test teenagers embed in their profile pages. It's impossible to score 100% in everything, so it will also show your shortcomings.


My results
personality test results 2011

This describes me really well don't you think?
I got the highest in dependency. Let's examine that.

traits of dependancy

I told you Similar Minds was the best. I just did this test now. Comment with what you get.
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tynamite's avatar


I notice that you got 63% for Extraversion, which the test says is 'moderately high'. Yet many times you've said on this site that you consider yourself introverted and you don't talk much in social situations. What do you think of the result that the test has given you? Does it make you question your 'introversion'?
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tynamite's avatar


Good question. I'll explain. I actually am an introvert, but I exhibit extroverted behaviour when I do stuff.

I'm a person who most of the time isn't saying anything, and has nothing to say. This causes me to not talk to anyone. I also don't ask people questions when talking to them, which causes me to be distant to the people who I talk to. As I'm introverted, I'm not fascinated by [all types of] people, which is why I don't appear to show an interest with the people I talk to. People say I'm hard to talk to, and me being bad at listening to people makes things worse. I have a reclusive nature, so I'm introverted. I'm not shy so I do approach people. I feel that some people want to get close to me, but can't because of this.

However... when I'm in a situation where I have to talk or do stuff, that's when I behave extroverted. I am outlandish, and have a strong sense of identity which comes across with everything I do. Because of this I am very good at drawing attention to myself. To be honest I don't have to ever attention seek, as I manage to get attention naturally without trying. You're not the only person here who I get into long comment threads with. I'm very good at talking to people.

What I like most about myself, is that I can make something out of nothing. I'm good at making people get lost in conversations, so that they can possibly tell me something about themselves or I can learn about them. I get along with nearly everyone, and I am good at working people. People like me around because I make things interesting. When I talk, everyone shuts up to listen to what I have to say. The way I get people to like me, it's like I'm doing something without making it look like I'm doing it.

But I'm not really an extroverted person. I'm really introverted. No matter how loud I am, people will never see me as extroverted. I don't have that presence that fills the room, and starts loads of conversations. That's also why I felt intimidated by that girl who made me feel stupid, because I could never be extroverted like she is, as I'm introverted.

The way I behave doesn't really compare to what you would call an extroverted person. No matter how much I be loud and approach people, people can always tell that I'm introverted.
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tynamite's avatar


There is a question I keep meaning to ask Quora related to this, I will do so one of these days.
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tynamite's avatar


Sounds interesting. I wonder what it is.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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