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Why do some men date instead of finding a wife?
tynamite's avatar Men don't get to choose what they get from women. This is a fact!!!!!!! In the last 20 years, women decided they don't want to get married at least right away, and they want to focus on their careers, have fun and be promiscuous. I could sit at home crying that no woman wants to marry me, or I could learn to take advantage of this new goal women have. The entire dating/sexual market consists of men responding to what women want, for women are the demand and men are the supply. Men cannot dictate to women to get married on a macro level, for men are not the choosers like women. For anyone willing to dispute this paragraph, I can back it up in the comments.

In the 70s, marriage was an institution and was commonplace, but now in 2014, that no longer is the case and the nuclear family is dead with 70% of marriages being initiated by the woman with 50% of marriages ending in divorce. According to research, nearly a third of women who have married haven't found Mr Right, so they are settling.

Why the institution of marriage, the family unit or nuclear family has broken down, is another story which I will get into in a later answer.
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tynamite's avatar Men don't get to choose what they get from women. This is a fact!!!!!!! In the last 20 years, women decided they don't want to get married at least right away, and they want to focus on their careers, have fun and be promiscuous. I could sit at home crying that no woman wants to marry me, or I could learn to take advantage of this new goal women have. The entire dating/sexual market consists of men responding to what women want, for women are the demand and men are the supply. Men cannot dictate to women to get married on a macro level, for men are not the choosers like women. For anyone willing to dispute this paragraph, I can back it up in the comments.

In the 70s, marriage was an institution and was commonplace, but now in 2014, that no longer is the case and the nuclear family is dead with 70% of marriages being initiated by the woman with 50% of marriages ending in divorce. According to research, nearly a third of women who have married haven't found Mr Right, so they are settling.

Why the institution of marriage, the family unit or nuclear family has broken down, is another story which I will get into in a later answer.
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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