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Why don't certified psychologists on Quora offer to help users bothered by the trolling behaviour of other users?

On Quora and other social media sites, often people relationship bursts into conflicts. Why there is no psychologist to take care of the users mental health while participating, even if this had to be a paid function? Are owners so careless for the same users, that works out their profit?
tynamite's avatar My answer is in 3 parts

To give you some perspective...

  • For anyone who thinks I'm a troll, I'm really not.
  • We're not in the school playground any more. You don't need someone cutting into your disputes. We've got rules to ensure that people are nice, so that we can operate in a civil and functional environment. Whatever people choose to do within those loose boundaries, is up to them. People are under no obligation to treat you nicely or fairly. Quora admins, they, have negated the bad, so they don't need to encourage the positive.
  • I've just asked a counselor this question to give you a professional opinion, and they said it is a counselor's job to help someone help themselves. Technically they help them make decisions, but let's not get into that.

The "Be Nice" rule, is the worst website and community rule I've ever seen, for 2 reasons.

  • It's so ambiguous, that it doesn't set clear boundaries of what is acceptable and what isn't. Anyone can determine what is and isn't nice as they wish.
  • The rule is deceptively titled, as it doesn't actually encourage anyone to be nice, to seek and engage positively with each other. Actually, the rule should be renamed to "Don't be mean", not "Be Nice".

You should make a new question called:
Why don't the Quora admins want to create a peaceful and harmonious environment?

Let the eagles carve up the pigeons in flight
I had to make up my own phrase to get across to you this point. I would say it's something that most people (excluding you) agree with, (as you found it unjust for there for there not to be a Be Fair rule on Quora). So I'm going to explain this best with an example. (I like to use examples to explain things in their raw form.)

I was on a website where this teenage girl wrote a blog post about how she feels that her family don't care about her, that she feels unloved/unwanted that others get more attention than her while she's neglected. In the post it said how her younger brother was calling her names (stupid/dumb), while her mother just stood and watched. Now this girl wishes she was born a guy so she could appreciate guys, feeling that she's born in the wrong body. When on this website, she writes and acts like one, and she doesn't post photos of herself, and she periodically deletes her blog posts as she's emotional slush. Her Christian parents thankfully accepted her for who she is, which might further increase those insecurities. To make things worse, she's bipolar.

So when she wrote this blog post, as you can imagine, everyone was sympathetic towards her. Let's focus on the fact that her mother didn't do anything when she was being called names.

Do you think the mother should have intervened?

Most people would answer that with no. (Surprisingly? Is this a cultural thing?)

For the same reason people would answer that with no, is the same reason why people don't believe certified psychologists should help users on Quora bothered by trolling.

I was the only one who [nicely] told her, that the reason why her mother didn't help you, is because she wanted you to fight your battles for yourself, because one day she's not going to be there.

Now you know why people would answer that with no.

Let the eagles carve up the pigeons in flight.

When a flock of pigeons are flying in the sky, and three eagles spontaenously appear, the pigeons are going to steer clear from them, and the eagles are going to cause problems for the pigeons. None of the animals are doing anything wrong, as all the attitudes of everyone isn't negative. However the cultural differences or preferences cause contention.

(Or maybe some pigeons hate the eagles for their preferences, despite the eagles behaving with a good attitude, causing unjust brandishing to occur. Let's not get into that here.)

Going back to the earlier point, most people believe that it's an obligatory responsibility we have, to enforce that people are nice towards each other, but not that we are behaving fairly.

Both animals are behaving nicely, but for them to behave fairly, a mediator would have to allow the pigeons to have understanding of the eagles. On Quora, that is non-existant. You can watch the different groups on here slyly battle it out now.

Civil and functional environment, or a peaceful and harmonious environment.
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Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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