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Can a person be both introvert and extrovert depending on the various situations and the various people they communicate with?
tynamite's avatar A person cannot change from an introvert to an extrovert and vice versa as that is fixed (as part of their core personality), but they can adopt introvert or extrovert behaviours.

I'm a proper extreme introvert. I am quiet with nothing to say, not approaching anyone, not starting a conversation, adding no presence to the room - most of the time. I've always been this way and still am now. I have selective mutism. I sometimes spent 2 months at primary school as a young child, not having a single conversation with anyone. (I swapped my shyness for confidence at 8.) Even today, I have difficulty holding eye contact with people for a long time, but nobody knows that!

Because I can't be mute for the rest of my life, I have developed strategies that I use to make friends with people, and make other people want to be my friend. Although I cannot behave like an extrovert and have a strong presence in the room and be assertive, I can be loud like one.

Today I went to London to visit Bloomberg to have a tour around the building, organised by the Investment group that I'm a part of. We ate free food there. I didn't know anyone there. At the end of the day I made a friend who gave me his Frosties Cereal Bar, after 4 hours! Another time I went to a conference and I made a friend in the first minute! There's loads of unjust examples.

On Quora some people miss me, have tributes on their profile description, and 6 have asked for my email. Some of these people I have never spoken to! (I have a fanclub.) I've even had people deactivate their accounts to support me! All this out of their own accord without me asking them to. I never announced I was leaving to get attention. I just left with no warning.

I make people like me. I make people demand my time and attention, and seek my approval. I suck them into my vortex.

When I look back at the unwarranted kindness I get from others, I'm really surprised with the results. Even when exhibiting extroverted behaviours, I mostly speak the least words in the room, so I try to figure out the severity of what I did, or why people like me. (Sometimes it's the kind people I don't ever speak to as well.) I can't ever help as much people, who have helped me - which is sad. I don't know how I can leave the world or people in a better place, for when I'm gone.

Four people here on Quora think I'm multi-faceted. I've been thinking for a long time about whether I am, and I still don't know. Earlier today in London I was casted doubts.

I can drop my introvertion in an instant on demand though, and no one will ever know any different!
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tynamite's avatar


Today I went to London to visit Bloomberg to have a tour around the building, organised by the Investment group that I'm a part of. We ate free food there.

A lot of what you describe about yourself is pretty common. There's as much to learn from exploring how you are similar to the people around you, as there is from declaring uniqueness. (Although I understand you are answering a question.)

Such a big part of maturing is working out "Who/What/Why am I?" Of course you are both unique AND the same as everybody else. One can compliment someone by saying they are "multi-faceted" but it doesn't mean anything dramatic. Is there anyone who ISN'T multi-faceted? Perhaps the point was to simply acknowledge that you're more than a cartoon character.

The best thing about Tynamite that I know about is how he has become a part of the Quora community.
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tynamite's avatar


The best thing about Tynamite is the entertainment value!
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tynamite's avatar


So I'm relatable and adaptable at the same time as being different. How unorthodox. Isn't it great?
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tynamite's avatar


It would be great to learn about your strategies! Have you detailed them anywhere on Quora?
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tynamite's avatar Not really no. I wouldn't post My Secret Method on Quora, because then I wouldn't be able to make friends anymore if I did. I don't approach people much as it is. Also it's so manipulative and dark. ( Machiavellian )

What I can say is that My Secret Method is a framework, and once you apply it into your everyday thinking, you start to learn things that you never saw before.

Here's 2 things I learnt from it all by myself.
Tynamite's answer to What are some effective ways for introverts to start conversations? <--- There is something missing from the end of that answer which I haven't added, because it's MaNiPuLaTiVe (It could cause someone to self harm.)

What are some of the behavioral differences between a group of people and single individuals?

See also
If we share our minds, if we share our first, second, third thoughts freely, how could our world look and think?
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What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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