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Can Tynamite be convinced to stay on Quora?

I have deleted this question that you chose as a follow-up question, because me and Anon User resolved the whole escapade and drew a line under it. It seems like my attempts to get honesty out of people, actually worked! Isn't life grand?
tynamite's avatar Time for an update.

I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote my previous answer. That's dated in April and now is October. I just say however I feel at the time, and my emotions bleed on the page. Before was when people tried to convince me to deactivate my account. That's old news.

Well anyway, 3 things would stop me from being active on Quora, and they are

  • Totalitarian
  • Censorship
  • Declining content quality

All those things, Quora has. There's nothing interesting about the notifications of new answers to questions I follow anymore. It made me hate it when I got 75 notifications a day. Who remembers the times when they were excited to read the new answers to questions they were following each day? Who remembers when the content here was constantly insightful as well as authorative and representative? Plus I don't like the abysmal management that has bans people unfairly and ignores people's emails, with all the lackies flurrying around with no power to help or information on what goes on, yet still they volunteer for the approval. If they can't trust us to know why Charlie Cheever departed, why should I trust them with my answers?

If you hadn't known about Quora before, and you'd just joined it 2 weeks ago, would you still be on it today? The answer is no. Quora has changed. Quora is not the same website it was in the past. Plus it's dead.

I have 2600 drafts that ain't getting posted. I won't be posting answers unless you a2a me, as Quora doesn't fit well with my morals. I don't want to feed the monster. Totalitarianism is the worst form of government ever.


This was the time in April when I threatened to leave the site forever until people told me (anonymously or not) why my answers were routinely being unfairly downvoted. They complied (anonymously of course), so I held up to my end of the bargain.

As of the 17th which was 2 days ago, Karen Joyce convinced me to return to Quora. She emailed me because I took my messaging ability off.

How Karen convinced me to return to Quora

After I told her that my account would remain deactivated, she asked me how everyone on Quora treats me, then she asked me if things had improved.

These were two questions that she already knew the answer to, because I had already told her the answers before she asked. (For instance, I told her before that me and Anon User had a long talk for hours about the whole escapade where I was asked to stay on Quora, resolved everything, and we both drew a line under it. The best part was that I got to find out what the problem with me was so I got honesty!)

I had a think about the question she asked for some time, then decided to return to Quora.

Karen's deleted her Quora account after 2 days of using Quora, adding to her legacy status, so you won't be able to find her. Also she's a counsellor as well! Maybe's she's the sort of person who would be good to help others on Quora. Her time here was like a blip on a screen, as the first, last and only person she spoke to here was me.


So in short...

  • The whole escapade got resolved last week and we drew a line on it.
  • Karen got me to return to Quora 2 days ago.
  • I got an indirect apology from the admin who banned me, the day I returned to Quora and started posting answers.

This is the best week on Quora ever, because everything seems so nicer now me being here, than it ever was!

Some people are going to be reading this answer and be wondering how I manage to get all this unjustified attention, just for doing nothing(?), when there's other people here who are much nicer than me who are kind to others, who get no attention at all.

Well anyway, nothing can make me leave Quora again now, because of what Karen said, and because of what Karen said.

This is the best week on Quora ever. Nothing can possibly go wrong!.

Also I'm getting free DVDs from a Quora member soon who decided I would get them 2 days ago, so everything that can ever happen to me on Quora, can only be good.

Thanks alot for the sentiment. It means a lot.
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Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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