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Why are "easy" girls looked down on by other girls? Why do females use "slut" as an insult? Generally, guys who are prolific in bed are praised by their peers, why isn't this the case for girls?

In other words (or perhaps as a separate but related question), why do females use "slut" as an insult? Guys who are prolific in bed are praised by their peers (generalization, I know, but it's not untrue). Why isn't this the case for girls?

I would prefer if only women answered this question, but if you as a male have a helpful response, please share.
tynamite's avatar It's because you don't understand women's mindset.

A woman, especially in a modern industrial capitalist society such as ours, views her body as a commodity.

She gives it away to get what she wants (eg. money, friends, a boyfriend, marriage).

If men can just take whenever, then it loses it's value.


Women discriminate against slutty looking women.
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tynamite's avatar


Why especially in a modern industrial capitalist society?

Wasn't it worse when they didn't have so many sources of economic empowerment and so their body was their main resource?
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tynamite's avatar


In the olden days women weren't allowed to work, so it wasn't easy for women to withhold sex. They had to give sex or die. Now women have equal rights in our western society, they can earn money and withhold sex. And because women are equal to men money wise, their advantage over men comes in sexual leverage (which they can also use socially to make new friends so it's more than just sex). This is why her body is a commodity, as its hers to flaunt on her terms. Back in the past it was somewhat a man's possession, as women didn't have as much leverage then as they do now.

No it wasn't worse, because no woman would look down on an easy girl in the past, as she would have no other way of maintaining herself.
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tynamite's avatar


I think they were even more looked down in the past, before the sexual revolution

It's just that they sold sex in the context of marriage, which meant it was socially acceptable.
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