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What are the most tragic real life stories?
typeknow lives
tynamite's avatar There was a young girl who woke up dying. She was not able to breathe. What happened was that she had slept with a plastic carrier bag on her head, and when she woke up, it was stuck to her face. The sweat inside the bag was what made it sweat. She woke up in the utmost distress. When she woke up, she immediately ran to her parents. She pleaded with them take it off, and they couldn't take it off. The bag was stuck to her face. It couldn't come off. Both parents had to watch their child die, gazing through the plastic bag, in the most painful and unjust way they could imagine.

There were two girls from the same school who had killed themselves. The first one jumped from the second floor of the school, out the window, and immediately died as she hit the concrete. Months later the second girl wanted to kill herself too. She too jumped from the second floor of the school onto the concrete. Except, that when she fell onto the concrete, she hit the ground with so much force, that her lower bones actually moved upwards, up her body. She was in a wheelchair for two weeks before she died. I can't imagine the agonising pain this suicidal had to go through for those two weeks. It must have been torturous.

There was a girl who was with her family, among other people excited about riding a hot air balloon. While a hot air balloon was going up, one of its strings caught itself on the little girl, and wrapped itself around her leg. It was an empty hot air balloon so nobody could stop it. She was taken up into the about a hundred feet air, and when she eventually fell as the fuel ran out, her body was never found. Their parents never got their closure.

There were these men who live in a deprived area, who are willing to do anything to give themselves a better life. Now they are illegal immigrants. They had to sell their homes and all their possessions to travel 200 miles, to attempt their way into the UK. They risked their lives travelling across the desert, on trains and passing security all the way there. They made their second to last stop before getting to the UK. They were in Greece. Immigration police caught the people who got to Greece as they got off their lorries. It was now time for many of them to be sent back. Some of them couldn't be sent back as they had no money to get back. They are now on the streets of Greece, beaten by police, homeless with no possessions, and only eating from a charity getting one bowl a day. They want to go back where they came from, but can't. They're stuck in Limbo, with no rights. Their kids ask them if this is Europe, all the time.

The most tragic life of all time is the story of Genie, a feral child who lived all her life in a room for the first 12 years of her life. When police found her, she was unable to speak English, and emotionally scarred. All that was in her room was a potty and a chair for her to sit on. She was housed by psychologists who wanted to help her life a normal life, as well as find out if humans past the age of 6 can learn language, as that's when the scientifically proven age of the deadline for learning languages effectively. Now they had a real person they could teach English, and test this out on. Genie went to theme parks, parks, and loads of fun places so that she could live a normal life. She really enjoyed herself and there are happy photographs and videos of this documenting that. Some slack dickhead thinking he was being politically correct decided to sue the psychologist adopting parents on the grounds that psychologists shouldn't look after abused children and perform tests on them. The psychologists lost the court case and sadly have to give Genie up to the American adopting system. She was repeatedly moved from carer to carer, as it was found that each subsequent carer was abusing her, mostly sexually. One of them physically abused her and he would beat her when she spoke, installing fear in her that it was wrong or unacceptable to speak. When the psychologists were aware of this, they tried to help her speak again, but they couldn't make her speak. Now Genie doesn't speak for the rest of her life. She was then put into the care of people who live a remote life in America, and are not mixed up in the surburban life. Now Genie is deprived from her chance of seeing the world for what it is, and she never speaks.

Swiftly moving on
Me and my brother were having a debate about whether free will truly exists. My brother said that he doesn't know whether free will really exists, as people can be programmed through hypnotism, suggestion, and social pressures. Me and him agreed that people can do things in life, not because they chose to, but because they had no choice.

I said that Genie never had the chance to practise her free will in her entire life, as every choice she made in her life, she was forced to do it, and most times she had no choices.

I said that the biggest choice she had in her life was to choose to not talk after ever again for the rest of her life even without her abuser around.
My brother said that the biggest choice she had in her life was when the psychologists asked her what food she wanted to eat.
We came to the conclusion that Genie did not have a chance to exercise her free will, and that she had no real choices in her life.
I asked my brother again if he believed we have free will, and he said that he doesn't know. I can understand that, as people aren't given choices for the actions most of the time.

And that is why Genie is the most tragic real life story I've heard, as she had no chance to make an impact on the world, leave an impression on someone, or make any real choices about how her life turns out. She lives like a ghost, passing through everything she sees, not able to interact with the world. She is also an emotionally scarred person, and I cannot begin to imagine what that's like or explain what it's like in words.
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Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

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