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How is income inequality bad if US poor are obese, have cable TV, a car, and access to free education?

Related reading: http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2011/07/What-is-Poverty
tynamite's avatar Because having free education, food and shelter; isn't enough to guarantee that a person will be able to get a job when they graduate. Are you familiar with relative poverty?

In India, the people who can't get jobs live in a shack, and are lucky to work for a pittance.
In America, the people who can't get jobs have access to Cable TV, a car and free education.

It is possible to create a disparity of people's living standards, through education, even if it is free. Disparity means a great difference, and it is possible for there to be a great difference in income gap even though there is free education.

When we talk of free education, we're taking about K-12. As further education (university) has to be paid for, it is very possible to widen the rich and poor divide by making courses expensive, and places in universities low.

Yes K-12 is free, but is further education free? Degrees are being used to keep people poor.

Update: Inequality can also be created through grammar and academy schools, and continually failing to improve shoddy schools.

Right now, it is a case of the haves and the have-nots. And right now the people without degrees are the have-nots, and it is very hard for them to get on in life.
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tynamite's avatar


Who are the people trying to keep people poor? That's absurd.

Education, to the degree necessary, shouldn't be college for everyone. Trade-schools, tech-schools etc., are the types of skills needed in an increasingly service-oriented economy.

We shouldn't waste the last four years of high school preparing everyone for college, we should spend those years teaching them job-skills.
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tynamite's avatar


If you cannot see how the rich people in countries decrease social mobility increasing the rich and poor divide, by keeping the poor poor, I advise that you educate yourself on how the government can negatively affect life chances.
Read my answer for Is private health care in Britain as expensive as it is here in the States? and then come back to me and tell me that the US government does not try to keep the poor people poor.
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tynamite's avatar


i notice you didn't bother to respond to my comment regarding the actual cause of poverty. It has nothing to do with the rich keeping the poor people down, and has everything to do with our lack of training the young for the jobs that are available.

Take every dime of income from the top 1%, and you won't be able to pay the U.S. budget for six months. You will also not have solved the poverty problem.

Educating our young such that they leave high school able to function in the business world should be our objective.

Taking money from the rich doesn't stop teens from having kids, and it does nothing to teach the kids the life-skills they require to succeed.

The only thing the income-disparity does is provide a political talking point.
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tynamite's avatar


Great example Adisa. You chose Britain, which doesn't purchase the newest high-tech equipment, and which denies proven treatments to patients. Great model!
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tynamite's avatar


I didn't know I had to reply to it. So you're saying that education is flawed?
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tynamite's avatar


You didn't have to respond, but you chose to respond about something that was irrelevant to the larger issue, which is job skills.

Without preparing for the available jobs and careers, there is zero chance for upward mobility.

We need to have trade/technical schools available in high school.

If they choose to go the academic route, and then waste their education on skills for which there is no demand, they will need additional training.

Taking money from the rich will in no way solve the real problem, which is far too many have no job skills that are in demand in our economy.
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tynamite's avatar


I hear this is true for America, but I don't understand it as I don't live there.
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