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Why do women believe in astrology so much more than men do?

What's the rationale?

Gallup Poll:
- In the US, it's 28% of women vs. 23% of men.
- In Canada, it's 33% of women vs. 16% of men.
- In Great Britain, it's 30% of women vs. 14% of men.

Averaged across these three groups, it's 30.3% (women) vs. 17.6% (men), a near-doubling of prevalence. What's the reason?

tynamite's avatar Because the tides of the moon affects a woman's menstrual cycle, so that provides evidence of astrology being true.

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tynamite's avatar

Marc Bodnick

why is this evidence of astrology being true
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tynamite's avatar


It's just to say that because women are more emotional and irrational, a higher purpose that justifies how they act provides salvation and direction in their lives. I'm making the same point as the top rated answer but in a different way.
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tynamite's avatar


Come on Adisa, you know that irony just gets you downvoted on Quora.
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tynamite's avatar


Don't you just love it? :P

I'm so surprisingly outlandish and cynical.
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