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How is a UK court case structured?

I'm writing a novel and I'm at the part where I have to write a court case and I'm stuck because I've never been to court before so I don't know how a UK court case is structured.

  • What are the opening lines?
  • Who talks first, the prosecution or defence lawyer?
  • What role does the judge have to influence the court case's outcome other than choose which punishment the guilty person gets?
  • Can the accused and prosecution talk about what they want or do they only have to answer the lawyer's questions?
  • How would an accused person go about getting their own free time to say what they like?
  • How does a court case end?

You know, stuff like that.
What's an assertion, and what should I type in?

Compesh is a question and answer (and debate) website, so before you make a debate, you better learn what an assertion is. I suppose you already know what a question is, and that you've typed it in the box. ;)

An assertion, is basically a statement you can make, that is either true or false.

Richer people have better health.

The question for that would be, Do richer people have better health?

And don't forget to make your assertion, match your question.

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